I'm done. WE'RE done.

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Jackson's p.o.v.
"Now let's go home." I say wiping her leftover tears on her cheeks then we leave. We get home and my parents run to us.

"We love you guys so much." My mom dad say in unison.

"We love you guys too." Emma says hugging them tightly.

{1 month later}
Rachel's p.o.v.
I sat there on my bed sobbing over just everything... Why is life so hard? I look over at my night stand and see a picture of my family about 4 months ago before all this happened. We looked so happy... so perfect. How could this happen? Why could such a perfect dream life just crash down before you can do anything to stop it?

{2 hours before}
Still Rachel's p.o.v.
My life is just a mess... I don't know what to do anymore. Emma is sleeping with half the school,drinking, smoking, and all of the above. Jackson is losing his mind and acting out all the time. From the stress of being a full time dad to him and Vanessa. One moment he will be totally fine but then the next he'll sneak out to god knows where and not come back for a couple of days. That leaves me with three little kids to look after. And to top it all off Finn and I's relationship is dying. We fight all the time over stupid stuff. I mean we're never not fighting. I just don't know where I went wrong.

"We need to talk." Finn says storming through to door as if he was on cue.

"What happened now?" I ask annoyed and sarcastically.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe OUR kids!! US!!Everything!! Gosh it seems like you don't even care anymore!!" He yells at me.

"I DONT CARE!!?? I am trying my best Finn!! What do you think I do when your at work?! Huh?? I'm taking care of our kids and trying to hold down this hellhole!!" I yell at him through my tears.

"Well what do think I do? I have a job so I can support this family!!! Which by the way is falling apart!!" He yells.

"Oh please I supported this family for 6 years when you were gone!! We were doing just fine actually!! Then you came back and everything started to fall apart all over again!!!" I yell instantly regretting it. He stares at me in shock.

"Wait Finn I didn't mean it like that I-"

"No you mean every word of it. I can't believe you. We were so happy together as a family." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah. Well things change. I'm done fighting Finn. That's all we do. I've tried my best to help our kids but I guess that's just not good enough for you. Do you even realize how much pain I'm also in?! I feel like a failure!!! A failure at being a mom, a wife, everything!! But you don't even seem to care anymore. I need you Finn, but I'm done. I can't do this anymore." I say crying and taking off my wedding ring. Finn looks down and sees what I'm doing.

"What are you doing?!" He says raising his voice. I walked towards him.

"I told you. I'm done. WE'RE done." I said coldly then I hand him the engagement ring and leave.

~ such a cliffhanger!! But don't worry guys I'll have the last book to this series out before you know it so be in the look out!! Hope you all enjoyed!! <3

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