Your gonna regret this

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"Now can we please finish what we started?" She tells me whining.

"How can I not say no." I say then she giggles as she kisses me.

Then Amelia starts crying.

"Ugh!!! Every time!!!" Rachel says getting up to get the baby. I laugh then get up to help her.

Rachel's p.o.v.
"Hey since it's our day off I think we should have a fun family day once Jackson and Emma get home from school. What do you think about that?" I ask Finn sitting on his lap while he's on his computer at the kitchen table.

He looks away from his work and looks at me.

"I think that's a great idea." He says then kisses my cheek. I giggle but then remember one thing.

"What's wrong?" Finn asks me noticing my face change.

"We still have to talk to Toby about yesterday."

"It's ok.. if anyone can talk to him and straighten things out it's you..." he says with a sweet smile and rubs my cheeks softly.

I just still can't believe Toby would say that  to Finn.. I mean I totally understand where Toby's coming from. He's just a curious little kid and wondering why his dad wasn't there for the first couple years of his life. But that doesn't give him the right to say things like that. Especially since he's four. I'm sure once we talk about it he'll get past this and become best buds with Finn again. They just have this bond that no one can brake.

"Hey buddy. Can we talk to you?" I say coming into his room with Finn holding his hand.

"Sure!!" He says happily getting up from the floor where he was playing with his toys and walks over to us like nothing every happened between him and Finn.

"So do you remember what you said to daddy yesterday?" I say and he looks at me confused.

"Um I don't think so why?" He asks. Me and Finn look at each other. Kids and their little minds.

"You said you hated daddy.. and that really hurt his feelings baby.." I say and he looks at Finn then back at me.

"Oh I'm so sorry daddy..." He says then gets off my lap and runs and hugs Finns legs since he's standing in the doorway.

Finn smiles and picks him up.

"It's ok bud..." He says rubbing his back as Toby just tightly wraps his little arms around Finns neck.

"Just don't say that ever again to daddy or any of us ok?" I say walking over to them. He looks at Rachel and nods.

"I promise I won't mommy." Me and Finn both smile.

"Good boy. Now let's go have this family day!!" He says and we head to get Amelia.

Emma's p.o.v.
"Hey Emma!" Justin says walking up to me and kisses me on the lips.

"Hey handsome." I say smiling at him.

"What are doing Friday night?" He says leaning up against my locker with a smirk.

"What's that smirk for?" I ask putting my books in my locker.

"Oh nothing." He says smiling.

"Right. Well um I don't think I'm doing anything. What do you got in mind?" I ask closing my locker and looking at him.

"You'll see. Just wear something nice."
He says.

"Ok." I say with a smile. He smiles back.

"Well I gotta go. I'll see you later." He says then kisses my the top of my head then walks away leaving me blushing as hell.

School is finally over and let me tell you, it's been a long day. I haven't been able to shake this feeling that Justin is planning something for Friday that I'm not really ready for...

"Oh I know that look..." I hear someone say as I'm trying to leave the school. I look over and see Brooke aka the most snottiest cheerleader ass in the world looking at me with a smirk.

"Oh hi Brooke!! It's nice to see your still the low life that nobody likes!!" I say sarcastically. She looks at me and puts her hand over her heart.

"Oh I am offended by that accusation." She says sarcastically then walks up to me. "Deeply offended." She says getting in my face. I groan and roll my eyes.

"Ugh what do you want?!"

"Oh I don't want anything from you. Other than beating your ass. But that's something I can hold back from doing. For know." She says twisting her hair with her finger.

"Oh was that a threat?" I say putting my hands on my hips. She turns her head towards then rolls her eyes and huffs.

"Anyways I came her to talk to you about Justin. But first may I just say that he is so sexy!! Like damn, what I wouldn't give to ride on a piece of hotness like that!" She says as my anger starts to boil up.

"Did you just come here to talk to me about you having sex with MY boyfriend? Cause that will NEVER happen.." I say getting up in her face but she backs away.

"Looks like I hit a nerve! Well as I was saying, I "overheard" you and Justin talking today." She starts says and using quotations with her fingers. I tilt my head and cross my arms.

"Oh really? And just what exactly did you hear?" I say with a fake smile.

"Well first off. I heard that he was planning on taking you on a date Friday. And also I kinda overheard him talking to one of the guys on the football team and he said, and I quote, that he booked you two a lovely PRIVATE sweet in the Hampton hotel." She says with a smirk and I widen my eyes. Oh god I think I'm gonna puke.

"So have fun!!" She says enthusiastically. And starts walking towards me and getting in my face once again. God! Cant she just go away?!

"Do me favor and let me know if you suddenly want to back out of the fun you might have in that hotel room cause I would be more than happy to fill in for ya." She says licking her lips. I stare at her angrily for a couple seconds. Then suddenly slap in her in the face a little harder than I wanted to, but oh well.

She instantly puts her hand to her cheek and looks at me shocked.

"Stay the hell away from me and my boyfriend." I say in a fierce tone and start to walk away but then turn towards her again cause I'm not done with her quite yet.

"You know what? Maybe you should just stick to sleeping with boys that just want sex and actually don't care about you or your feelings. After all that's all your good for right?" I say mysteriously. She still just stands there. I laugh sarcastically "Your pathetic." I say rolling my eyes then walk away satisfied.

"I swear to god your gonna regret this!!" She yells as I walk out of the building holding my hands up high.

I get in my car feeling proud of myself after what I just did in there but I know I need to talk to someone about this. I just don't really feel like talking to my parents.  I think I have the perfect person to talk to...

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