Don't do this...

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Jackson's p.o.v.
"That's weird. Looks like we are just gonna have to have a little talk with her when she gets home." She says. Me and my dad nod in agreement.
Emma's p.o.v.
I get home from a party with some new friends when I see Jackson, my mom, and my dad standing there with their arms crossed just all staring at me.

"What are you all staring at?" I ask but no answer. "Ok well if you are all just gonna stand there and stare at me like creeps I think I'm just gonna go up stairs. It's been a long day so if you can just excuse me." I say trying to get past but my dad stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Not so fast." My dad says with a stern voice. Then he takes a deep breath and smells me.

"What the hell were you doing all day?! You smell like smoke and booze." My dad says disgusted with me.

"Oh what are you gonna do?! All I was doing was having a little fun just like every teenager in the freaking school!!! You have no right to lecture me. " I yell at him then they all widen there eyes. I start to walk out when Jackson runs up to me.

"Emma stop it!!!" He says grabbing my arm.

"Stop let me go!!! You don't understand what I'm going through no one does!!! I don't want to talk to any of you guys!!! I'm fine just the way I am." I say try to pull away but he just tightens his grip.

Jackson's p.o.v.
"You need stop this Emma!!! I get it your going through a hard time but that doesn't give you the right to act like this!!! This is not you!! What is wrong??" I say and she just looks at me for a minute then just collapses into my arms and just starts sobbing. I kneel down on the floor and just hug her tight as she cries into my chest. My mom and dad walk over to us and kneel down to Emma and rub her back. She stops crying and looks up at me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry...." she says.

"It's fine just-" I start but she interrupts.

"But I'm not changing. This is who I am now and if you can't except that then.... I'm leaving...." she says then she runs upstairs. A few minutes later she comes back down stairs with her bags and she looks at us and starts to walk to the door.

"Emma stop!!! Please don't so this..." I say with tears in my eyes. She looks at me in the eyes and starts to tear up.

"I'm sorry but if you guys won't except that this is who I am then I'm leaving...." she says then leaves.

I look at my mom and dad and their just standing there speechless.

"Why did you let her leave!!!! Your her parents you should have done something to stop that!!!" I say with angry tears.

"Jackson she needs time..." My moms says to me. I shake my head and run upstairs. I have no idea what just happened....

~Ooo now we're getting into some serious Hudson drama haha

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