A total what?

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Emma's p.o.v.
"I swear to god your gonna regret this!!" She yells as I walk out of the building holding my hands up high.

I get in my car feeling proud of myself after what I just did in there but I know I need to talk to someone about this. I just don't really feel like talking to my parents. I think I have the perfect person to talk to...

Emma's p.o.v.
I get to my aunts house and go up to the door and knock. When she opens she's looks at my weird.

"What brings you around this part of Lima Em? And dang you got out of the house without you parents tracking you?" She says laughing.

"Hey Aunt San! Can I come in talk?" I ask.

"Of course. Come on in." She says moving away from the door so I can walk through.

"So tell me what's on your mind Hudson. Let's see if Auntie Snix can help you out." She says bringing us both lemonades and sitting down at the table.

"Well you see my boyfriend, Justin, is planning a nice evening in a hotel with me on Friday night." I start saying and Santana already is raising her eyebrows and leaning back into her chair as she crosses her arms.

"At least that's what Brooke said a-and I kinda believe her. Well I mean I don't know why I would even believe her, but after I slapped her today I k-kinda believe her."  I say. Then San puts her hand up.

"Woah I'm gonna stop you right there. Who the hell is Brooke? And why did you slap her?" She asks.

"She's this bitchy cheerleader at my school and well she made me! She was being a total ass!! And when you mess with my boyfriend like that she best to watch out. Otherwise I'll kick that beauty right out of her." I say crossing my arms.

She purses her lips and stares at me. I shift in my seat getting uncomfortable from her stare. After a minute she finally opens her mouth.

"Ahh boyfriend troubles I see. And dang you got into a fight at school? I didn't know you were that badass. I must say I'm proud of you there. Showing that slut who's boss!! That's my girl!!" She says and high fives me. I laugh.

"Anyways... I'm just not ready for sex with him yet... like I don't even know if I'm actually in love with him... I mean I'm pretty sure I'm in love but I still need time." I say. She nods her head signaling that she's still listening.

"Don't get me wrong he's a great guy. But he just is going way to fast. You know what I mean?"

"Listen to auntie. You don't need to have sex with that guy just because your afraid of him leaving you. Cause I know for a fact that's what your thinking about right now. Don't look at me because I'm not the best example. But look at yourself and what you want and what your comfortable with. Cause if he's that good of a guy he'll wait for you and won't screw you over. And if he does screw you off he'll have a whole army coming after him just to kick his ass." She says with a smile and laugh.

"Thanks." I say then something dawned on me. "What I'm I gonna tell my parents?" I say kinda of scared of what the outcome might be if I tell them.

"Just tell them that you got in a fight. Cause I'm sure it's not the first time they've heard it from one of their kids. Aka Jackson." She says with a sarcastic smirk and I laugh.

"True." I say then get up to hug her.

"Hey don't stress yourself. It will all work out. But don't ever do anything your not ready for. Got it?" She says breaking our hug.

"Yep. Thanks again San, Your the best!!" I say leaving her house.

Still Emma's p.o.v.
I get in my house to see my parents singing together and cooking in the kitchen as Amelia just sits in her swing. So I decide to play a little prank on them...

I gently take my shoes off and put my purse down and softly tip toe over to her swing and gently take her out. I look over and see them still singing loudly. So I rush over and hide around the corner.

"What are you doing?" Jackson says as I jump.

"Oh my god you just scared the crap out of me!" I harshly whisper. He laughs

"Shut up! I'm playing a prank on mom and dad!" I say putting my finger over my mouth.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and goes back to his room. I wait there for a second then hear my dad.

"Woah Rach where's Amelia?" He says and starts looking around as my mom keeps on singing.

"Rachel!!!" He shouts.

"What!?" She says turning around. He just points at the swing. I chuckle but put my hand over my mouth and try to hold my laugh back.

"Oh my god! Where did she go?!" My mom said starting to panic and look under the table.

"I don't know, did she roll or jump out or something?" He said looking around also.

"Yes Finn because a two month old baby can do that!!" My mom says sarcastically.

"Well I don't know Rach!! What am I supposed to do?!" He says throwing his arms up in the air.

"Oh I don't know?! Look for our child!!" My says running around still looking. I couldn't keep it in anymore. When they fight like this it's just hilarious. I start laughing historically. They hear me and start to walk my way.

"Oh my god Emma!! You scared the crap out of us!!!" My dad says groaning and taking the baby.

"Sorry!!" I say crying laughing.

"Yeah right." My mom said trying to hide her laughter.

"But I wanted to talk to you guys about something just a wittle bit more serious." I say pinching my two fingers together.

"Oh god... what happened now?" My dad said sighing and sitting down with the baby.

"I kinda got into a fight with a girl at school." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Emma Hudson why would you do that!! That could go on your permanent record!! And it's totally not ok." My mom says seriously.

"It's not my fault she's total bi-" I start to say then my dad interrupts me.

"A total what?" He says eyeing me.

"A total brat?" I say smiling innocently.

"Sure." My mom says rolling her and laughing a little.

"That doesn't really give you the reason to hit her Emma." My dads says.

"Um it gives me all the reason to hit her!! And might I add she's trying to steal MY boyfriend!!" I say fired up.

"Ok just calm yourself. That might have been a good reason in your head but it's wasn't." My mom sitting down next to my dad.

"I know I just really don't want to lose Justin." I say upset. My mom walks up to me and hugs me.

"Sweetie if Justin is that dumb and would go for that brat you don't deserve him." She looks at me and wipes my tears and gives me a soft smile. My dad also gets up and gives my side hug cause he has the baby in his other arm.

"Your moms right. If Justin or any boy at that matter would be that stupid to miss out on a girl like you their messed up and not worthy of your love." My dad says.

"I love you guys." I say then hug both of them.

"We love you too." They say in unison.

"Aw what did we miss out on?" Jackson says sarcastically. Coming into the room with Toby. We laugh.

"Nothing much. Just look out for your sister ok?" My dad says patting Jackson's shoulder.

"Always." Jackson says looking at me. I smile at him then he smiles back.

~ sorry for the boring filler chapter but it needed to happen so that bigger things can follow so be ready!! <3

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