I hate you!!

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Emma's p.o.v.
"I love you."

I pause. Omg did he just say what I think he said.

"I love you too." I say then a huge smile appears on his face. He runs over to me and gives me a big tight hug.

Jackson's p.o.v.
"I love you." I say kinda not knowing what I just said but I don't regret it. She looks at me in shock but then her face softens.

"I love you too."

Rachel's p.o.v.

"Is that a yes or a no?" She asks.

"Ok fine!!! I'll work at your studio!!" I say happily. She jumps up and down and hugs me.

"Yes!!! Thank you!!"

Finn's p.o.v.
I roll over as I hear Rachel's alarm go off. I wrap my arms around her little body and pull her close to my chest. I hear her softly giggle.

"Oh I how I love waking up next to you." I say smiling and kissing the top of her head then getting up out of bed.

"Mhm me too." She says rolling over and starting to fall asleep again. I laugh at her.

"Come on sleepy head." I say pulling her up. She groans.

"Ok only because you said that you would make breakfast." She says with a grin.

"What? When did I say that?"

"Oh maybe I just said that you were making it. Whoops my bad. But good luck getting the kids up." She says with a smirk walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I roll my eyes and laugh then go get the kids up and make breakfast.

About 30 minutes later Rachel comes out of the bathroom looking as beautiful as ever. She comes over and kisses me.

"I got to go to the studio. Thanks for making breakfast. Love you guys, see you later!!" She says kissing the baby and Toby on the head cause Jackson and Emma already left for school. She grabs her keys and starts walking out but then turns and kisses me one more time.

"One for the road." She with a smirk. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say as she leaves. I smile and look at the kids.

"Looks like it's just you guys and me today."

(Later that day)
I was doing a puzzle with Toby while Amelia was sleeping in her swing. I was waiting for Emma and Jackson to get home but their at a party so I think they might be awhile.

"Hey daddy?" Toby says picking up a piece of the puzzle.

"Yeah bud?" I reply.

"Why did you leave mommy when she was pregnant with me?" I look at him in shock. This kids is too smart for his own good.

"W-Well.. um... daddy had some things to take care of." I say because he wouldn't understand the real reason I had to leave.

"Was it a better thing to do than being with mommy?"

"No definitely not. I love your mommy. But I had something super duper important to do." I say trying to make sense.

"It could not have been more important than mommy. She was at home all by herself. Without you helping mommy." He says getting upset.

"Trust me I wouldn't have left mommy if I didn't had to. But you don't understand Toby. I had no choice." I say trying to keep calm.

"You probably did to have a choice. But you wanted to leave mommy ."

"What!! No I would never! You just don't understand anything!" I say and he looks at me shocked. I instantly regret everything that just came out of my mouth. Tears start to form in his eyes.

"Toby wait I- " I start but then he interrupts me.

"I hate you!!"

(Meanwhile at the party)
Emma's p.o.v.
Sophia ,Bella, and I are just dancing the night away with our boyfriends when I see Jacksons missing.

"Hey how about you go get some drinks for us. I'll be right back." I say to Justin.

"Ok just be careful. I don't want anyone stealing you from me." He kisses me and walking to the bar.
I smile to myself then go find Jackson.

I hear Jackson's voice in the back room of the bar. I knock but no one answers. I knock again and wait there for a second but still no one answers. Maybe I'll just go in. I mean what's the worst that could happen? I cautiously open the door and see the most horrid thing.

"Oh my god!!! What the hell are you two doing!!!" I say covering my eyes in disgust.

They immediately cover themselves up in a blanket and just stare at me.
"I am in utter horror. My poor mind is deathly polluted now. I can never unsee that." I say as we all leave the bar.

"Oh says the one that looks like a slut!" Jackson yells at me sarcastically.

I gasp "Uh I do not!!" I look down at myself in my red skin tight dress and black heels with maybe a little to much cleavage. Ok maybe I do just a little bit.

"I for one thinks she looks pretty hot." Justin says. I look at him and smile proudly.

"Stay out of this!" Jackson says putting his hand in Justin's face.

"Well at least I'm not having sex in a bar with a slut!!!" I bite back.

"Vanessa is not a slut!!" He yells offended while Vanessa just stands their not offended at all. I laugh sarcastically.

"At least not until tonight she wasn't." I say with a smirk and I can tell I hit him hard with that one.

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