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Elena's p.o.v.
I woke up and looked around hoping that last night was a terrible dream. When I saw that the room was dark and there was paint brushes and paintings everywhere. "So it wasn't a dream. I'm really here" "you thought it was a dream. Well I am very real my love". "I'm not your anything especially not your love". He didn't say anything he just rolled his eyes at me.
Klaus's p.o.v.
    I looked at Elena as she looked very confused and I smiled. "Where am I?" She asked me. Just as you was about to answer her question I heard a knock. "Hold that thought. Stay here" I warned. Then I ran down stairs.
Elena's p.o.v.
    I was gonna waited for two minutes then I walked down the stairs. When I saw the front door I saw a tiny girl with black hair and brown skin. "Bonnie?" "What part was of stay upstairs do you not understand?" Klaus asked annoyed. "I'm so sorry Elena"she saw d then left. "Sorry for what Bon?" But she was gone. "I'll go after her". Klaus said. He went to the door then stopped. "What's wrong?" He looked at me then said " we're trapped".

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