The Salvatores

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Elena's p.o.v.
I woke up and turned to see that Klaus had left and i was alone. I got up and walked downstairs. "Klaus? Where are you" "I'm right here looking love" "oh. So what are we doing today?" "Nothing" "can we watch a movie" "I will go to red box-" "actually can I go with you? I promise I won't try to run away" "go get Dressed. If you aren't ready in ten minutes I'm leaving". I ran up the stairs and threw on my clothes,brushed my hair and teeth put my shoes on and ran downstair. (30 minutes later).  We walked through the door carrying a bag with junk food and movies and we went in the living room and he turned on the tv. He put in Pitch Perfect 2 and then he sat next to me. When we were about thirty minutes into the movie I was getting sleepy and I fell onto Klaus's shoulder and fell asleep.

Klaus's p.o.v.
I watched Elena sleep not interested in the movie when the door bell rang. I lifted Elena up care full not to wake her up and went to answer the door. "Well well well look who it is" Damon and Stefan Salvatore said. "What do you want?" "We want Elena" just as I was about to speak Elena came and said " I don't want to go" "Elena he compelled you let's go" "no I am sick and tired of you guys controlling me. When I am here Klaus lets me be me" there was tears in Stefan's eyes "please Elena" "I'm sorry but no". Then Elena closed the door on them and ran upstairs to her room and I heard her slam her door and I could hear her crying softly. "Well done Salvatore brothers".

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