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  Elena's p.o.v.
    I was pacing back and forth thinking. Bonnie wouldn't lock me in here with Klaus? But as I was trying to leave like the other attempts I couldn't leave. "Klaus I'm hungry" " I don't care" " well maybe you shouldn't have kidnap me and then maybe I wouldn't be asking you for food". He looked at me and glared so hard that the saying if looks could kill I would be beyond dead. " Fine". I followed him to the kitchen and he nodded at me to sit in the chair while he cooked me something. Five minutes later he gave me a plate with bacon and eggs and pancakes. "Thanks" he didn't say anything he just nodded his head. "How come you never talk to me?" "Cause you are supposed to be in a chair getting your blood drawn. Elena Gilbert". He said after two minutes. "well I need to talk to someone" "well I don't care if you need to talk to someone". I glared at him. He walked over to me and stabbed me with something and everything went dark. The last thing I remember saying is "I didn't even get to finish eating. Klaus".

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