Making Deals

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Elena's p.o.v.
I woke up in a chair and I tried to stand up but I was tied up. There was cords everywhere that was connected to me and I felt very weak. With the little strength that I had I followed the cords with my head. I tried to struggle to get out but a voice said "stop struggling it won't do any good". "Klaus?" I asked weakened. "Well Elena you made me remember the whole reason I brought you here" "Klaus can I make a deal with you". I asked super weakly. He sighed then in two seconds he unhooked me. I stood up and since a lot of blood left me my legs gave out and Klaus picked me up bridle style and walked us to the couch. I think. "What is your deal love" " if... if you talk to me then I will be your human blood bag. That's my deal" "fine whatever". I smiled at him then I said "can I sleep in your bed again? Please". He didn't say anything he just swooped me up and vamp speed me to his room and layed me down. "Good night love" "night Klaus". I mumbled before falling asleep.

Hope y'all u guys enjoyed this chapter I will try to update soon. Love you guys bye.

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