When you love someone you love them

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(Elena's P.O.V.) (two weeks later).

I woke up in Klaus's bed again. We had finally decided that we were dating. Sort of. I got dressed(Rebekah bought me half the store) and walked downstairs. "Morning" "hello love". I smiled. "What are we doing after this?" "I don't know. Do you wanna go visit your brother? My keys are on the table" "nah he would- actually he might be the only one besides you who hates the Salvatores. So yes I would" "you're not going to run away are you?" "of course not" "mmhmm" "what are you going to do while I'm gone?" "Elijah keeps bugging me" "so are you going to see him...or..." "nope" "yes you are" "why?" "if you do then there will be a surprise for you when you come home" "ugh fine. Why do you have to be so cute" "oh I don't know". "Okay. Here, Rebekah asked if you could buy her these things. She will be here before I will but will be here after you come". "Alright". (One hour later). "Okay Elena i'm leaving. Elena?" "Sorry i'm coming" "you look pretty. Sure that you're only visiting your brother?" "Everyone knows the we are together. No one will try to hurt me. Well I got to go. I love you" "I love you too" And then I walked to the door. My stomach stated hurting and I fell to the ground. "KLAUS!!!!!" I screeched. The last thing I remember is Klaus picking me up.

Hey guys. So what do you think? What do you think happened to Elena? Thanks for waiting even if the chapter isn't so good.B.T.W. next chapter everything is going down. Well love you all (:

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