Tough Choices

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Hey guys. How you doing? So i know this book is on hold but I was looking at my works and I saw that I have 759 READS!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading my books. This means so much to me and when my phone or computer goes off telling me that i have a notification and i see it says something about this person add if you love me let me go to their reading list or that you guys voted for my story or commented on it, it just makes my day so... as a thank you hear is a new chapter.

Elena's p.o.v.

I woke up in Klaus's bed as usual and as usual Klaus wasn't in his room. I got up and put my clothes on and walked downstairs. "KLAUS? Klaus where are?" " In here love". he shouted.  I let my nose lead  me to the kitchen where the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast.  "mmmh that smells so good" "I know". He handed me a plate and watched me eat and he was texting someone on his phone. "We need to go to Mystic High School" "why?"  "just come on". (20 minutes later). The both of us got out of Klaus's car and we held hands. When we walked in and he dropped my hand. Though it was a small thing it still hurt my feelings. "Do you-" I started to ask him if he regret what happened last night but he cut me off by saying "shhh". As we hit the corner I saw Stefan,Bonnie,Caroline,and Jeremy. I looked down and Klaus hid me behind him. "Hello loves" Klaus said to them. "let her go". Stefan said "Elena can leave when ever she wants" "Elena please come home" Stefan pleaded. I still didn't look at him but I said "I don't want to. Also Klaus didn't compel me" "then look us all in the eyes and tell us again" Caroline said. Klaus stiffed but I said "it's okay". I walked around him and went to where they were standing "are you on vervain?" "no  Bon. I trust Klaus" "Elena.." Caroline said in a soft commending voice making me want to obey and I knew she was compelling me. "... i'm going to ask you questions and i need you to tell me the truth. Okay" "you're going to ask me questions and i will answer truthfully" I answered the robotic voice. "did Klaus compel you?" " no he didn't" "Elena you know I love you.. we love you but.. it is either mus or Klaus". "I chose Klaus" "why?" "Because I think I love him"I turned towards Klaus and I said "I love you". Klaus was stunned. He didn't move didn't speak nothing. But from the corner of my eye i saw Stefan look hurt and that hurt me but I sucked it up and stuck with my discussion.  Then all of them looked defeated and hung their heads said goodbye then left. "Finally they left". I turned towards the noise and saw Katherine. "Katerina my favorite doppelganger. Wanna do me a favor?" "what?" "when I have to leave would like to keep Elena company?" "how much?" "your freedom" "deal". Katherine came over to me hugged me and said "hello sister" "hi... sister?" I replied. "So you love Klaus huh?" "can we talk about this when he isn't here?" "Oh right. Sorry". I smiled maybe choosing Klaus was a good idea.

Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter. Also sometimes I will do surprise chapters like this one. Well love you guys <3 (: 

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