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Okay so this is a week time jump. Elena told Klaus she needed a break and Klaus shared a few drinks with Hayley and ended the night with... well you know. Okay so now Elena is back and Klaus still hasn't told her about the one night stand with Hayley. Klaus went to Chicago to go see Rebekah.

Elena's p.o.v.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room talking to my belly. "Hey little baby. Mmmhmh you need a name huh? How about-" .DING-DONG. I walked to the front door and opened it. When I opened it   a beautiful light olive skin, hazel-green eyes, and dark brown hair girl pushed past me into the mansion. Rude. "Hi you must be one of Klaus's maids. Please tell him i'm here" and she threw her jacket at me. "Uh not the maid" "right you must be Elena. Klaus's girlfriend" "where's Klaus?" "Chicago I think" "can you tell him we need to talk" "about?" "Kat and Bre think i'm pregnant. And well since Klaus is the only one who I have been with-" "wait back up a sec. Say what now?" "I just said I was pregnant with your boyfriend" "your pregnant with my what now?" "oh my gosh are you deaf?" "ELENA? ELENA LOV-" I stood there frozen and looked at Klaus with a blank stare on my face. "You. Cheated. On. Me?" "Elena I-" "just don't". And I vamp speed to The Salvatore Boarding House. When I walked through the door everyone stared at me. "Elena?" I broke down and Stefan held me. "It's okay now. You're home now".


One Month Later

Hey guys what did you think of this chapter? What do you think is going to happen next. Oh and also I have been having trouble wondering whether o r not I'm going to make a sequel. Let me know in the comments. Love ya

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