Wedding Day

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Hey guys. So as you all know I decided to make a sequel So with that being said this is the last chapter of this book. The first chapter of the second book will be posted sometime next week. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Love ya(:

Klaus's P.O.V.

I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. "NIK? NIK? NI- there you are" "what do you need Rebekah?" "Quick question that Katerina wants to know" "what?" "are you going to Elena's wedding?" "I dunno. Probably not. She hates me" "no she doesn't" " she's the one who asked for you" " really?" "You should come. Anyways, see you later" "whatever". I watched my little sister leave the room im her white bridesmaids dress and I sighed. I put my suit back on and walked out the door. When I entered the chapel I could tell that the wedding had just now started and I took my seat next to Hayley and sat back into my seat.

Elena's P.O.V.
I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled.

I walked thourgh the door and Elijah hooked his arm thourgh mine and I smiled

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I walked thourgh the door and Elijah hooked his arm thourgh mine and I smiled. As we started walking down the aisle instead of looking at Stefan I was looking around in the audience. Then I found him. He had dirty blonde hair and looked hot in a tux. Klaus. I smiled at him and waved. He smiled back. When we got to the alter I looked behind me I saw that Klaus was gone and I frowned. "You may all be seated. Today we are gathered here for the love of Stefan and Elena. Thank you all for coming. Stefan Salvotare do tou take Elena Marie Margaret Gilbert to be your lawfully wedd wife thourgh sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?" "I do". "And do you Elena Gilbert take Stefan Salvatore to be your lawfully wedd husband for as long as you both shall live?" "I... Need to get some air". And with that I ran out of the chapel. "KLAUS?KLAUS?KLAUS?"
He was gone and I made the biggest mistake ever. I heard some rustling. I wiped my tears and stood up. I turned and saw Klaus. "Hello love" " Klaus?" I said quietly. "I'm here. It's really me". I ran and jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his qaist and kissed him. Je picked me up ams sat me back on the ground. "What are you doing?" "I made a mistake. I love you Klaus. Do you love me still?" "Oh Elena. Of course I love you. But-" "but?" "But i've realized that Elena you're too good for me. Elena I have to do this because I love you so very" "Klaus no". He was going to compel me.

Klaus's P.O.V.
I stared at her in her eyes. "Elena. You won't remember this conversation. You won't remember that you love me and I love you. You will go back into the chapel and tell them that thw baby was making you feel a little sick and tou needed some air but was fine now. You will still be 'sisters' with Katherine and the only thing you will remember anout me is that I killed your Aunt,Jeremy and you. You hate me. Goodbye Elena. Forever". And with that I kissed her forehead and left.

Elena's P.O.V.
I looked around and tried to remember why I was out here and not getting married to Stefan. I shrugged and walked back into the chapel n
But not before looking back.

Hey guys. So how'd you guys like this chapter let me know in the comments. Well this is the last chapter so that's why I made this chapter extra long. Anyways remember to vote and comment. Love ya

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