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Elena's p.o.v.
I was in my room crying wondering why I didn't leave with Stefan and Damon. Knock Knock. I jumped and opened the door and saw Klaus. "What do you want" "I heard you crying and I wanted to see if you were okay" "oh" "are you" "I will heal" "why didn't you go with The Salvatores" "because... because... I think I like you and I wanted to see if I really did or..." "or what Elena?" "I'm not sure" "well since you are okay I'm gonna..." "can you stay?". "Sure" he walked in my room and sat on the bed next to me and I put my head on his shoulder. Did I like Klaus? No I couldn't like him. He killed Jenna. "Kla-" I started but he cut me off by kissing me. I kissed him back his soft lips melting in to mine. "Klaus?""yes love?" He asked after we were done. "I'm done being pushed around and told how my life is supposed to be. Can you help me?".

Klaus's p.o.v.
I knew what she was hinting at. "Elena? Are you sure?" " positive" she said without hesitation. "Okay". I looked her in the eyes and started. "Elena you never met the Salvatores, you passed Stefan in the halls occasionally but never thought twice about it. You never loved the Stefan ever". She repeated after me in a robotic voice and then she looked at me for a second. She jumped on me and kissed me and of course I kissed her back. "Are you sure?" "Yes".

Hey guys wassup so what do you think about this chapter. I'm going to mature this next chapter with some klena. Love you guys so you next week.

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