💝Dream Knight Part 1💝

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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

It's been a while now that every time I fall asleep,I find myself dreaming over and over about the same person.

I know weird right?!Sometimes I even wonder...
'Why am I dreaming of him?'
'Who is he?'
'Why is he trying to protect me?'
'From what is he protecting me?'
'Why am I running for my life in these dreams?'

But these questions are always unanswered.

Every time I try to ask the guy, something dangerous happens and we have to run in order for us to be safe.

We were safe for the moment and I decided to ask:
"It might sound weird to you,but we've been staying together and running for our lives for awhile now and I don't even know what your name is!So what's your name?"

He smiled at what I said but nevertheless he answered:
"My name is B/N."

"It's nice to officially meet you.I'm..."   I replied,but I wasn't able to finish my sentence,since he interrupted me by saying:
"I know,I know who you are,Y/N."

I was surprised when he said that and I didn't even have time to make any more questions,since my alarm rang and I woke up.

His words kept replaying on my mind over and over again "I know,I know who you are,YN."

How did he know me?!!I'm stressing myself out.

Because of all the work and stress last night I wasn't able to go to sleep,so I wasn't able to dream of him and all day long I kept getting anxious.

I called my family to make sure everyone was alright and they indeed were okay,so the only person left that I couldn't contact was B/N.

I started thinking about what could have possibly happened to him during the time that I was awake to make me feel so anxious.

But then again why am I getting so anxious about him when he exists only in my dreams?
When my mind created him?
And yet I can't stop this feeling of uneasiness.

~ Time skip ~

It's night!
I fell asleep and woke up to find myself in a room,in a house that I have never seen or been before.

I search around the place a bit and I find B/N laying in bed,but he seems to be sick.

When I see him like that I get worried so I go near him to check his temperature and he was burning up.

I decided to look through the cabinets in the kitchen with the hope of finding some medicine,but with no luck.

So the only thing left for me to do was use cold water and a towel to lower his temperature.

While I was tending to him,he opened his eyes a little bit to see who it was and what he said next surprised me:

"I missed you.The other day...you didn't come to see me...so I thought you had already forgotten about me."

Hearing him say that made me feel upset and brought tears to my eyes.

I never wanted to make him feel that way.
For him to think that I had forgotten about him.

"I would never(ever😆) forget about you.Believe it or not you have become a really important part of me and I would never want to lose you."I said.

He took my hand in his and gave it a gentle kiss that made me blush like crazy😶,while with the other hand he  wiped away the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Your eyes are way too beautiful for them to be covered in tears,instead show me that gorgeous eye smile of yours that got me captivated the first time I saw it."He said while smiling.

At his comment I blushed even more.
After that he fell asleep without letting go of my hand.

Later that day I heard some noises coming from outside the place where B/N and I were staying.

He heard them too and woke up from his sleep and got ready to fight,but in his condition I doubted he'd be able too.

The people that were outside got closer to the house and the door opened,at that moment I woke up again only that this time I find myself in my own room and I wasn't able to see 'Who those people were..' or
'If B/N was safe.'

To be continued....

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Until next chapter I'M 1 OUT 😃.

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