😇Saved By My Bias😇

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(Y/B/N=Your Biases Name)
(Y/N=Your Name)
(Y/F/N=Your Friends Name)
(Y/F/B/N=Your Friends Biases Name)

Selling things online it's good,since it helps you get rid of the things that you no longer need or use anymore and it can help you earn some money.

I had a really awkward and uncomfortable situation today.

I sold a projector online and met the buyer just before I went to meet my friend,Y/F/N,at the coffee shop near her house.

At first he seemed like he didn't want to buy it and he said:

"Oh!This is smaller than I expected.I was expecting more quality and performance"

...Bla bla bla...and he kept talking until I said:"Well you can't expect such thing at this ridiculously low price and everything was already written in the description."

After I said that then he asked:"Does it really work?"

"Sure it works,I wouldn't have put it online for sale if it was otherwise.!"I replied but what he said next shocked me...

"Yes,I believe you.A girl like you wouldn't lie"...and the way he was looking at me it was disgusting.

I was disgusted by his behavior,like who the hell does this guy think he is.

It was totally clear that he was checking me out and I was feeling really uncomfortable😱.

After checking me out for a couple of seconds,like I was some kind of object he asked:
"What are you doing afterwards?"

'I'm in trouble now..Quick think of something.Come on brain think something.EUREKA..Got(7😆) it!'

And I replied:"I'll go see my boyfriend in a few minutes.Now are you buying the projector or not?"

When I said that he was quiet.He bought the projector.I took the money and I left.

I never would have thought that the guy was going to follow me,but he was and I didn't realize that until I met my friend at the coffee shop and she pointed it out:

"Hey!Look carefully through the glass window.Do you recognize that man?"

I looked through the glass window and what I saw scared me.

I was starting to freak out when I indeed recognized him as the guy I sold the projector too a couple of minutes ago.

My friend noticed my reaction,she grabbed my hand and dragged me with her out of the coffee shop,but the guy was still after us.

We stopped,because we had to cross the street and at that moment the guy took the chance,he got in front of us, blocking our way and said sarcastically:

"So you were meeting with your boyfriend huh?Well,where is he?I'd love to meet him."

'Okay,now what do I do?This guy is a freak and he's freaking me out too.'

A few steps away from us,there were a group of boys walking in our direction while chatting and laughing with each other and they were kind of followed by a lot of people.

Most probably their fans I presumed, but because it was a bit dark I couldn't tell who they were.

Apparently they had overheard our conversation with the freak and one of the boys said to his friends:

"Guys,I think those girls are in trouble.We gotta do something to help them and I have an idea."

His friends agreed and so they came near us.

When the boys approached us,me and my friend recognized them immediately as Got7 and we just stared at each others eyes for a couple of seconds as if discussing to confirm that it was really them and we weren't dreaming.

I noticed Y/B/N coming close to me and I didn't expect him to put his arm around my shoulders and to say:

"Hi,baby!I'm sorry I'm late,but you know how my friends are!?They take a long time to get out of the house."

I must admit he is really handsome up close and I kept staring at him without saying anything until Y/F/N spoke:"Y/N!Are you going to forgive him for being late or not?"

"Oh!Yeah,yes.Sorry,I got lost in my own thoughts.No problem,as long as you're here now it doesn't matter."
I said feeling a bit embarrassed.

He laughed and that was like music to my ears and than he said staring straight into my eyes:

"Thank you baby.You're the best girlfriend someone can have."

...than he gave me a kiss on my forehead and I blushed like crazy😶.

"Girls,is this guy bothering you?"
Y/F/B/N said and the guy that was following me and my friend replied immediately:
"No!No,I was just going on my way."

'You should have done that since the moment you got the projector you

After saying that he left and me and my friend felt so relieved.

We turned towards the people that saved us...

"Thank you guys.Thank you very much for helping us."We said.

"No problem at all,I'm actually glad we could help.I'm Y/B/N,but I believe that you already know that.!?"

He said introducing himself and after him,his friends introduced themselves too.

"Nice to know you all,I'm Y/N and this is my friend Y/F/N.Ummm...If you boys don't mind,we're going out for dinner,would you like to join us?"

I said while extending my hand for a handshake and Y/B/N shook my hand and said:
"I'm very glad I met you,sure we'd love too,but under one condition.."

"That is...?"I asked him a bit curious.

"We're paying for the dinner and we don't exept no for an answer and we're not discussing it any further."

He replied while smiling and since we had no other choice,we agreed.

We went to dinner that day and met with each other plenty of other times and that was the day that I and my friend met the loves of our lives and lived happily ever after.

The End.

The End

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Until next chapter I'M 1 OUT 😄.

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