💝Dream Knight Part 2💝

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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

I opened my eyes and I found myself in my room.

I cursed out loud at the simple fact that I wasn't able to stay with B/N, that I wasn't able to protect him when he was vulnerable just like he had protected me.

Furious as I was I didn't have much of a choice now that I was awake since,I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep again.

I got out of bed finished my morning routine and headed to work wishing with all my might that B/N was safe.

At work I couldn't focus at all.

I was constantly thinking about him all the time,missing him,fearing that he might be hurt or worse.

'Stupid thoughts,stop thinking like that, everything will be okay,he is okay.'

I tried to convince myself.

During the time that I had gotten lost in my own thoughts,I realized that there were some new people inside the office and they just kept staring at me.

'If that isn't creepy I don't know what is.' I thought.

The staring continued until it was time for me to head home.

I left the office and on my way to the car I heard footsteps behind me.

I got scared and quickened my pace.
I quickly unlocked the car,got in and drove off.

Finally,safe and sound inside the house or so I thought,until I turned around and saw the same people that kept staring at me at work.

In the living room sat 6 handsome man that I had seen today for the first time in my life.At this point I was terrified.

'Who are these people?'
'What do they want from me?'

As if reading my mind they started speaking one after the other.
They introduced themselves.

"We aren't here to hurt you.We actually need your help."

"We know that you are acquainted with B/N."They said and my eyes widened at their statement.

"Wait!How do you know that?Who exactly are you people?"I asked.

"We are B/N's friends and we need you to help us throw our cruel and despicable king off his throne,in order for us to bring back peace and harmony into our world."They said.

"Why me though?I'm just a normal girl trying to survive in this world and you want my help to save your world...Are you nuts?!!!"I asked them raising my voice a little.This situation was getting out of control.

"I told you she wouldn't believe us,she has no reason too.We are just some crazy strangers to her that kept staring at her at work and that got into her house."One of them said to the other boys.

"Listen.."Another one started "..just listen to what we have to say and after that if you still don't change your mind and don't want to help us we will leave you alone."

I agreed to listen,so I motioned my head for them to continue.

"We come from another world, another parallel dimension to be exact."

"In the beginning our world was a beautiful,prosperous and peaceful place where everyone was happy."

"That was until the day came when our previous king was murdered by his adopted son and he took the
throne. He's held that throne for more then 4 years pressing his own people with force and cruelty."

"The previous king had 7 loyal knights and before he passed away he told them-'My knights there is a magical portal,a mirror hidden in the secret chamber inside my room.Take it and do whatever it takes...whatever it's in your power to not let that mirror fall into the wrong hands or else we and all the other worlds will be doomed."

I interrupted their story by asking since I was a bit curious:

"So boys,you are the 7 knights I believe? But you're only 6 here..where is the 7th one?"

"B/N is the 7th knight,but he couldn't come here to talk to you for various reasons that we will explain later. Now please let us finish the story."One of them answered.

"You said before that you're just a normal girl trying to survive in this world,well guess what normal girl! You are special."

"In our world there are a lot of prophecies and according to one prophecy in particular,it is said that a girl from another world would be able to cross the boundary that divides two worlds on her sleep and she would be the key to return peace and harmony in the destroyed world and we think.."

I interrupted them again by saying:
"..And you think that that girl is me."

They all nodded their heads.I was shocked.This is unbelievable,just crazy.

I needed time to think all this through and to sort out my thoughts,but before I began drowning in my own thoughts the boys said:

"We can give you some time to think about what we just told you,but don't take too long in sorting things out, because the more you delay your answer, your decision,more people die there including B/N."

The mention of his name alone got my attention and I couldn't stop myself from asking:
"What?!!What are you talking about?"

"He's been captured by the kings guards and is being tortured,because the king wants to know the location of the mirror."

Their answer confirmed my worst fear, my worst thoughts and I just couldn't stand it anymore, I broke down crying.

Their eyes held concern and worry,
they didn't expect me to break down like that and at that time without thinking to much,I decided to stop crying and to put an end to all this.

I was going to help free B/N and save their world.

Like that I had made up my mind and I gave them my answer:

"I will help you guys save your friend and save your world."

I wiped away the tears from my eyes.
If I was going to do this I needed to be stronger then ever.

'B/N wait for me,for us,we're coming to save you.'

To be continued...

To be continued

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I hope you guys like it . Don't forget to vote, comment on what you think and add the story to your library for notifications on the new chapters!
Until next chapter I'M 1 OUT 😃.

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