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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

I was out with one of my cousins and we were looking at different jewelery stores,since he wanted my help to pick a beautiful ring for his girlfriend.

We were heading to a store nearby and we didn't notice Got7's car parked on the other side of the road and the members that were shooting for a new M/V.

The members noticed me and tried to call my name,but when they noticed I was with someone they didn't.

One of the staff members asks B/N:
"Hey look!Isn't that Y/N?Who is that guy with her?Did you guys break up already or is she cheating on you?"

"What are you talking about?"He said annoyed by what the staff member said.

"There!She just entered that jewelery store with a guy."The staff member said pointing towards the jewelry store.

B/N left the filming site and got near the store to find out what was happening while looking through the glass window.

He saw me laughing and trying some rings on.His whole dominier changed in seconds.

"She never laughed like that when we were out together."He said to himself and ran away with tears in his eyes.

The members tried calling him to come back,but he didn't listen to them and just kept on running,trying to run away from what he saw.

Me and my cousin got out of the store and we were all the time smiling and making jokes.

Well it was mostly me teasing him about the way he wanted to propose to his girlfriend.

I noticed the boys on the other side of the street,but they looked like they were upset for some reason.

We got near them and I went to greet them but they were treating me

"Guys what's wrong?Have I done something for you to be angry at me?" I asked them and what they said shocked me.

"Who is he?"

"Why are you with him?"

"Why are you acting so friendly with this guy?"

"Why did you enter that jewelery store with him?"

"Are you cheating on B/N?"

"Are you planning on leaving B/N for this guy?"

The guys kept asking question after question,until I stopped them:

"Woah woah woah guys,chill!What the hell are you talking about?!!This is my cousin.How can you even think such absurd things.Don't you know me well enough to realize that I'd never do something like that?!I'm just helping him pick out a ring,since he's going to propose to his girlfriend.Now guys can you please tell me where is B/N?I don't see him here?!"

The boys looked at each other,this time more worried then upset and then they looked at me and they started speaking one after the other.

"We're really sorry,we thought you were cheating on B/N."

"Y/N,he saw you with your cousin."

"He thought you were cheating on him."

"He thought that you were going to break up with him or something,
because you looked so happy when standing next to your cousin."

"He left running like 30 minutes before you came out of the store."

"Do you know where he went?"I asked starting to feel worried.

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