💟Vampire In Love Part 2💟

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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

I arrived home and decided to pack my stuff so that I could leave and go as far away from him as possible.

I saw and spoke to B/N only for a couple of minutes,but that time was long enough for me to fall for him completely.

I have to protect the fact that I am a vampire,because I don't want to be hated by the only person that was made to love me.That's why I have to leave.

I was about to get out of my apartment, when I caught his scent in the hallway.

'What's going on?Why is he here?Did he follow me?'

I was thinking as to why he was here,until together with his intoxicating scent I caught other scents.

The scents of the ones that have been hunting me and my kind for centuries..The hunters.

'Does he already know who or what I am?'
'Did he tell them where to find me?No impossible he couldn't have done that.'
'This should be a mistake.I trust him.'
'But then again I don't know him,so maybe he really did.'

These thoughts were killing me from the inside.

I felt sad and betrayed,but I didn't have time to focus on my feelings, right now I have to find a way out of this building.

I scanned my room to find something that I could use to block the door,so that I could buy myself enough time and jump out the window from the 17th floor.

I could hear the hunters trying to break down the door,so I pushed the closet against it and went straight for the window,but before I could jump something pierced me through near my shoulder barely missing my heart and I couldn't move,so I fell inside of my apartment.

The door broke down and the only thing I could do was watch as the hunters entered in my apartment.

What I hadn't taken into consideration was the fact that they already had someone watching my every move from the building across the street and I never would have thought that my mate and his group members were hunters.

When he saw me laying on the floor struggling to make possible for my body to regain movement,he looked shocked,confused and betrayed.

From his reaction I guess he didn't know who the target was,but why does he have that look of betrayal?

Is it because of me?Because of the fact that I look like a monster in his eyes now?

"Well well well!Look what we have here..." One of the hunters spoke,
hatred obvious in his voice,

"...this one's pretty too.It's too bad that you're going to die or else I would have kept you as my pet."

His words made me sick to my stomach and apparently B/N didn't like what the hunter said either, because his expression became dark and he said:

"Are you serious?You'd keep a monster?!!A vicious creature like her?!She doesn't deserve to live nevertheless to have someone by her side to care for her!"

What he said broke my heart.
My own mate doesn't want me,he hates me for what I am and I started crying.

When the hunters saw me crying they were surprised.

"What are you crying for,vampire?"
B/N asked.

His voice held a lot of anger,disgust, hatred and a faint feeling of sadness that I barely noticed.

"I'm crying at the simple fact that my own mate hates me without even knowing anything about me or my life."I answered.

My voice being merely a whisper.He just stared at me for awhile and then asked:"What mate?What the hell are you talking about?"

This time I couldn't answer because they drugged me with something.

I was barely conscious and the only thing I could see were blurred shadows moving around me and the next thing I know is that a pair of arms wrapped around me and I was being lifted from the ground.

For a second I started panicking but when I felt the sparks I knew it was
B/N, so I calmed down and blacked out.

When I regained consciousness,I found myself locked in some kind of basement chained to a chair.

Like these chains could hold me prisoner.

Then I heard someone say:
"Ah!Finally our sleeping beauty is awake.It's nice of you to join us here,even though unwillingly."

I glared at the person that walked in front of me smirking and I said:

"Cut the crap and tell me what the hell is it that you want with and from me?"

"Straight to the point,to business.
You see,I like that about you.You're not like the other vampires I've captured,tortured or even threatened with the life of their mates.You're special!And yes,you're right I want something from you.You know what I want and that's exactly what you have...immortality."The woman in front of me said.

"You know very well that I'll never give you what you want.I made that clear the first time you came to me and asked me to turn you.I thought you were my friend and I helped you out when you needed me.I even considered changing you,but I realized who and how you really are.
Since then I've been hunted down from your people,because you didn't get what you wanted and let me tell you something..I'd better die then change you.It's useless for you to try.I won't let you harm innocent people only for revenge.You've done enough damage as you are."

I told her and she got ready to hit me, but she got interrupted when B/N entered the basement and informed the woman that the council was asking for her presence in the meeting room.

"I'll be back later and believe me when I tell you that you will give me what I want no matter what."

She said smiling evilly at me then she turned to B/N and said:

"Guard her,but be careful she's very dangerous."

After giving her orders,she left and this time I was locked in the basement with my mate,who was guarding and making sure I wouldn't escape.

I was tired of everything and I was about to fall asleep when he spoke:

"Y/N!Care to explain about the mate you were talking about before you were drugged?"

To be continued...

To be continued

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Until next chapter I'M 1 OUT 😄.

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