💝Dream Knight Part 3💝

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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

The boys were helping me get ready, so that I would not be disturbed during the time that I was sleeping in my world and fighting for them,with them,in their world.

Before I fell asleep in my world,they told me that they were going to be next to me all the time and that I shouldn't worry or get scared about anything.

I believed them and now here I am wide awake and in their world heading for the castle to save B/N.

We were able to enter inside the castle without getting caught or seen by the king's guards.

We were running down the dark hallway that lead to the dungeons and I was feeling anxious and a bit nauseous as my nerves were killing me.

We reached the cell where we thought B/N was locked,but it was empty.

We carefully searched the other cells with the hope that we'd find him in one of them alive.

While searching I suddenly hear a scream followed by some groans, coming from another hallway,darker than the one we took to reach here.

I followed the screams and I found myself in front of a torture chamber.

There were 4 guards and a prisoner that was being tortured and the person that was being tortured was

The 6 knights saw him as well and we quickly came up with a plan to rescue him.

I was going to be the distraction,
the bait and the 6 knights got divided into 2 groups with 3 people each.

One group was going to attack the king's guards when they weren't paying attention and the other group would free the prisoner.

'Let the fight begin.'

I entered the torture chamber and spoke: "Uhm...excuse me?"

The guards turned around and saw me with a smirk on their faces.
I so wanted to wipe that smirk off of their faces.

"What is it baby girl?"one of them asked.

"Uhm..I'm a new maid here in the castle and I seem to have gotten lost.
Would you be so kind and help me find my way to the main hall,please?"
I said innocently.

The guards looked at each other for a few seconds as if discussing if they could leave the prisoner unguarded and with the condition he's in,they decided it was okay to leave him for a bit.

They said:"Sure sweetheart,we'll help you.Come with us."

We started walking out of the torture chamber down the hallway.

As soon as we reached the end of the hallway I stopped walking and watched as the king's guards got knocked out and tied up by the first group of Knights.

In the meantime the other group had freed B/N and they were carrying him since he was unconscious.

We were running down the hallway again,trying to reach the exit as soon as possible,when we got surrounded by the king's guards and we saw the King in front of us.

He said:"Ah!It's nice of you all to join us here in the castle on this beautiful day...Don't you think so Y/N?"

I clenched my fists so much that I could feel the nails digging into my skin.

I answered:"I don't see anything beautiful surrounding you or this castle.I wonder what made this beautiful place transform into such a dessert,was it the ugliness of your face or that of your soul."

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