💟Vampire In Love Part 1💟

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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

I've been living for a long time and I've seen a lot of people die,people I cared about.

I've seen cities,countries and technology change over time.

But this is what immortality does to someone. I'm a vampire even though not by choice.


Got(7😆) transformed into one,when I was walking into the woods searching for medicinal erbs.

I hadn't realized I had gotten deeper into the woods then usual until it was too late and I was surrounded by 3 vampires.

The 1st on my right,the 2nd on my left and the 3rd in front of me.

I was terrified,but if there was something that I had learned is to never show your enemy how scared you are,so I was trying to control my fear the best I could.

They started speaking with each other about me.

"Look guys,we've got a brave one here!"Said the 1st vampire.

"Look guys,I'm still here.If you need a moment to talk to each other I can leave.Actually that's exactly what I'll do.Bye!"

I said and took one step back trying to leave,but the vampire on my right grabbed my arm and that made me stop immediately on my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going little girl?Now we'll see for how long you'll keep being brave when we sink our fangs into your flesh and drink all your blood."

Said the 2nd vampire while showing me his fangs and taking a step forward.

"Calm down,you know better then to play with our food."

After the 3rd vampire said that,they grabbed me and in seconds they sank their fangs into my neck and arms and started drinking my blood.

I was lucky enough that the vampires sensed the hunters coming and they let go of my almost unconscious body,but before they left the 1st vampire made me drink his blood and that's how I became a vampire.

Luckily when the hunters found me they didn't suspect that I was going through the transformation and they just took me to the hospital and let me go.

From the moment that the transformation was complete I knew I needed blood to survive,but I didn't want to hurt any human being.

I didn't want to drink human blood,so instead I drank animals blood.

A couple of years later I tracked down the vampires that did this to me and
joined their group.

I had to find a way to learn more about vampires in general...I needed to learn their weaknesses as well and what better way to do that then while being  with your enemies.

So after I had learned everything I could and after I'd had enough of their cruelty...I killed them.

~End of flashback~

More then a thousand years have passed since that happened and that I've been searching even for my mate, but in all this period of time I haven't been able to find him...until now.

I was walking down the street when I saw a large group of people surrounding 7 boys.

I decided to approach and see what was going on.

At first I thought there was an accident,but by hearing the conversations of people around me I learned that the boys were part of an Idol group called Got7.

But what actually caught my attention was one member in particular.

I felt as though I was enchanted and I couldn't break eye contact with him.

While staring at him the wind started blowing and I caught his sweet and addicting scent and that's when I confirmed that he was my mate.

I asked one of the girls beside me: "Exuse me!Could you tell me what's his name?"while pointing at him.

"Sure.His name is B/N."She answered.

I thanked her and left.Now I had to find a way to talk with him and get to know him better.

Then again why would I try to talk to him or try to get to know him when I couldn't tell him I was a vampire.

I couldn't believe that I had finally found my mate.

He's human and most probably he'll hate me if he ever learns what I am.

I kept walking and because I was so deep in my thoughts,I didn't sense the person that had approached and was walking next to me until he spoke:

"Hello😊!I'm B/N."

I turned my head in his direction and was surprised to see him walking beside me.

"I couldn't help but come after you when you were leaving.I don't even know why though...and right now you must be thinking I'm some kind of creep,or some kind of weirdo...well let me tell you..I'm not."he said a bit embarrassed.

"You know,that's exactly what a creep or a weirdo would say,but they'd never introduce themselves,so don't worry I believe you.I'm Y/N!"

I said smiling at him while trying to lighten up the mood of the conversation, even if just for a little while.

"Well...uhmm...It's the first time that I've wanted to talk to a girl as much as I want to talk with you and get to know you better."

He said a bit flustered,that made me giggle and he looked at me with a smile on his face.

I loved his smile and that's why I decided to do the only thing I didn't want to do,so that he didn't end up getting hurt and he wouldn't end up hating me for being a vicious creature.

"I might have an idea as to why you feel that way.That you feel like you have to speak with me and get to know me better,but I can't tell you why.Right now it's best for you to just forget about the simple fact that you ever saw me and stay away,because I'm a really dangerous person.Now I'm sorry I have to leave.Goodbye."

I said and left in a hurry without giving him the chance to speak.

To be continued...

To be continued

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Until the next chapter I'M 1 OUT 😄.

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