💟Vampire In Love Part 3💟

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(B/N=Biases name)
(Y/N=Your name)

I just stared at him without saying anything.

'Why does he want to know now that everything is practically over for me?' 'Just like the other vampires that have been here before me,I'm going to die and it's for the best.'
'At least like that I won't suffer anymore.'

So I didn't answer his question,I only stared at him and he stared at me as well,until he decided to break the silence by saying:

"Now you're going to give me the silent treatment,when this morning you were more than willing to chat with me!?Unbelievable."

I looked into his eyes and said with a voice as cold as ice:

"Unbelievable you say!Why do you care to know now?Since according to you all I am is just a monster, a vicious creature that doesn't deserve to live,nevertheless to have someone by my side to care for me."

At the mention of those words he looked at me with sad eyes,but I wasn't having it.

He and his fellow hunters caught me,brought me to my death and now he wants to know about mates.

"If you don't want to tell me about your mate that's fine,but can you at least tell me what did you do for us to have to hunt you down and bring you here?"

He asked me this time trying to get me to speak and say something to ease his guilt.

I say guilt because I can feel what he feels because of the mate bond that has gotten stronger and I decided to just answer since I knew that he wasn't going to drop it with all these questions...

"Nothing.I didn't do anything and yet here I am because you guys caught me."

"Impossible!You must have done something terrible for that woman to order us to bring you here,for you to get the punishment that you deserve."
He said trying to convince himself.

"Yeah!Well hotshot tell me something. Did you see anyone in pain or suffering when you bursted through the door of my apartment?No one right!?That's because I don't feed through human blood,I use animals blood instead.I've never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it and you B/N, together with your friends are being manipulated by that woman."

I said and his reply didn't surprise me at all:"Why should I trust you?Why should I believe anything you say?!
You're a vampire for god's sake!?"

"Why you should trust me!?Well how about because we're mates!We're supposed to take care of each other.
We're supposed to protect and love one another..."

I said while trying to keep the tears from pouring out of my eyes and I continued.

"...but it's more then clear to me that in your eyes I'm just a monster and nothing else."

"So the reason why my heart goes crazy when I'm near you and why I feel attracted to you is because of the mate bond and because...you-you're my mate!?"he repeated more to himself then me.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you and I wasn't someone else.Sorry,that I'm not human.Now please just leave me be."I said,this time letting the tears run down freely.

What shocked me the most was that B/N came near me.

He hugged me and was trying to calm me down and it worked.

After a couple of minutes I stopped crying and asked him:

"Why?Why did you hug me?Don't you hate me because of what I am?"

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