A New Begining

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I walked in to my new high school and the first thing I saw was just a bunch of kids. "Ok here I go..." I mumbled to myself. I had already gotten my schedule so all I needed to do is find my locker. I stared at the ground not wanting to make any conversation with anyone. Just then I felt my body slam against something. Oh great it's probably a wall! Then I heard a kind voice say to me "I'm sorry I wan't watching where I was going." I look up and saw a boy. He was wearing a light green shirt that said Meg Head. Didn't know what that means but I didn't really care. The had brown hair that was a little bit over this eyes. "It was my fault... I was not looking up." I apologized "Oh well my name is Edd!Are you new here?" Edd asked, "Ya... it's my first day." Honestly I just want him to go away... I don't like talking to people. Then I realized I was still on the floor. Edd helped me up and showed me where my locker is. "And here's locker 213 which is your locker!" I could tell Edd was a talker... which isn't good if your me. "Thanks" I replied hopping he would get the idea that I don't want to talk! "No problem! Hey you never told me your name?" "My name is Y/N." "Well Y/N you should sit by me and my friends at lunch!" "Okay." "Cool can I get your number so I can text you to tell you where we're sitting?" "Sure" we took exchanged numbers and he headed off to class. Well I guess I have to had at least a few friends if I don't want to be called emo. I grabbed my books from my locker and went to class. I had my head looking up so I don't run into anyone again.

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