How to kill a Y/N and Emily and Ella?!?!

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Tom: wait I thought you liked me? But you want to help me get Tord?
Ice: I'll only help you if... you hook me up with Matt!
Tom: sorry (not sorry) to burst your bubble but Matt is gay.
Ice: then Edd!
Tom: Edd is into someone else...
Ice: find! I just want a boy!
Tom: nice or rude?
Ice: nice and kind!
Tom: I got the perfect boy for you!
Tom: Jon!
*tom sends a picture of Jon*
Ice: ok hook me up with his cutie!
Tom: what are you going to do to Y/N?
Ice: I'm going to talk it out!
Tom: well good luck with that!
Ice: I don't need luck!
Tom: ok whatever!
Y/N and Tord are at the park when Y/N sees a girl chasing another girl. One girl screams "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" And the other girl was running screaming "YOU SAID I COULD DO YOYR MAKEUP!" Y/N ran up and stoped them from killing each other. "Hi I'm Y/N!" Y/N says, then looks down at the two girls. They stare at each other is shock. They all scream at once "Y/N////Emily and Ella!" Y/N hugs her favorite set of twins. "It's been forever!" Ella says, "Ya... also tell this bitch to never poke my eye with EYELINER!" (Authors Note: Sorry Ella... your not a bitch... well at least I don't think so!) "You said I could do your makeup!" Ella screams, Tord walks up to the lovely ladies "Hello I'm Tord." Tord says, Emily whispers to Y/N "Is he single?" Tord hears this and blushes. "Y/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" Tord screams. "AWWWWWW! I'm fan girling!!" Ella yells, "Dang it..." Emily's says. Y/N asks Emily "Did Damon go to Hell yet?" "No, not yet!" Emily says. "Your still getting that assassin to kill him?" Ella asks. "He actually killed them..." Emily says. "Them?!?!" Me and Ella ask at the same time. "Yup! This is the 12th one he has killed!" Emily says. "I get that y'all like bloodshed..." Tord saids with a worried tone.

((Authors Note: Emily I swear if you tell Damon that he is in this I'll kill you! Hope y'all enjoyed! And I have a lot of OC's in here... ok that was a lie I had a lot of real people in this! Emily and Ella are my twins friends! I actually wrote this for Emily... this is getting personal... AUTHOR~CHAN AWAY!))

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