Double Date?

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I heard a lot of rumors about Tord and Y/N going on a date. I also heard that they are going to (Favorite Pizza Place). She's trying to get my Tord! I wonder if Tord will get jealous if I go on a date with someone... but who?
I walked out of class and went to my locker. I put up my books and Ice ran to me. "YYYYYY/NNNNNN" she screamed, and gave me a hug. "WTF ICE?!?!" "I'm going on a date!!!" She screams in my ear. "Ow, my eardrums! But with who?" "TOM!" "I'm so happy for you!" "You are?" She said, I don't really care for this girl but I'm not going to hurt her feelings. "Yes!" I say, she lets go and walks to her class. I walk to my class and take my seat. I start drawing on paper. "Why hello again~" a Norwegian accent said. It was TORD!!! I look up to see him sitting in the ground but in front of me. His arms were crossed but on the table. And his head was resting on his arms. "Hi" I say, "By the way tonight we're going to (Favorite Pizza Place)!" Tord says "Yes! That's my favorite!" "Goo-" Tord starts but gets cut off. "Y/N!!" I look up to see Ice... holding Tom's hand. Tord stares at their hands. "Oh hey Ice!" I say happily, she walks over and sits in the desk next to me and Tom sits next to her. Tord gets up and sits on the other side of me. "Why hello Tord!" Ice says trying to copy his accent. "Your not even doing my accent right. It's like this. Hello old friends" he says, "where'd 'hello old friends' come from?" Tom ask, "At the beginning of the year I told that to Matt and he started freaking out! He wouldn't stop screaming: 'I'm old!' And 'My beautiful face!' So I kept saying it!" Tord says, "Hey Y/N I don't think I told you that the date with me and Tom is at (Favorite Pizza Place)" Ice says, wait I'm going there with Tord! "ICE! I'm going there for my date too!" I say happily, "It can be a double date!!" Ice says, "NO" Tom and Tord yell at the same time. "I would die if I had to spend another second with this son of a-" Tom said but got cut off by Ice starring at him. "I mean son of a commie! Not son of a bi-" "I swear if you swear I'll murder you!" Ice threaten, and Tom just laughed "Is that a threat?" Tom asked, "No... its a promise." Ice said and just smiled at Tom. Tom looked kinda scared. I don't blame him.

(Time Skip to Date brought to you by: Ice being scary!)

Me, Ice, Tom, and Tord all sat down at the pizza place. I saw wearing a (F/C) shirt and jeans. Ice was wearing a purple shirt and a black skirt. Tord was wearing a red shirt and red Nike shorts. Tom was wearing his basic black skull shirt and jeans. The waiter came over to us, "What can I get y'all to drink?" She asked, "Dr.Pepper!" Ice said "(F/D)" I said, "(F/D" Tord said. No way! He likes (F/D) too! "Smirnoff." Tom said, "Sir, I'm no genus, but your not 21!" The waiter said, "Ummm... did I say Smirnoff? I mean Coke~Cola!" Tom said, wow nice save... 

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