Chapter 1

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A frozen covered with a heavy blanket of arctic white snow as far as the eye could see.
The snow arose gently from the ground before transforming into big clouds of bur by the battering gusts of snow-filled wind. The sound so blaring, it almost drowned the dull drill of the airborne helicopters in the grey, bleak sky before they diffused in different directions.
Frantic footsteps crunched wildly through the powdered snow, heading towards the silhouette of a building. Teeth chattering wildly, they pulled their cloaks towards their shivering bodies with their numb fingers and dragged their feet with the thoughts of a hot cup of chocolate waiting for them inside.
As they neared the entrance, the abrupt appearance of a figure in the snow caused them to quicken their pace.
The figure stood still, as if numb and unable to move. Snowflakes quickly sticking to her wild hair and already pale face, giving her a ghostly appearance. The only visible feature was the lips which moved soundlessly as the words were drowned by the storm affront.
One of the men gently placed his hands on her shoulders and stashed her towards the building; her fearful eyes trailing the bleak surrounding even after she was inside. Only then were the words audible enough to hear. Two barely audible words repeated again and again.
My fault.
Alessa's eyes shot wide open, the image of the blizzard still imprinted in her mind. Laying on her bed, she tried to calm her jagged breathing and frantic heartbeat. Taking a couple of seconds to let her eyes adjust to the dark, Alessa slowly sat at the edge of the bed and trailed a shaky hand through her wavy, black hair.
With a quick glance at the clock, which pointed out it was just after five, she let out a groan and padded softly towards the corner of her bedroom.
Upon reaching a beautiful, wooden desk, she plopped herself on the black office chair and rummaged through one of the many drawers. Finally pulling out a soft, black leather wrap journal, by far one of the best presents she received from her grandmother.
Picking up a pen from the pot and pausing for a moment, Alessa wrote:
20th May
Dear Gigi,
Its been a while since I had that same dream again, nearly a month to be exact. I've figured out the two figures at the start of my dream are men but I can't make out their facial features; they're still blurry. Maybe they're super hot! Haha! That'll be nice for a change - to dream of two hot men. It's the same with the figure in the snow. She's got black hair and even though I've heard her soo many times, I keep forgetting how she sounds like.
Hope this dream finished soon. It's kind of getting depressing and you know how I'm like - I can get emotionally attached to the people and as grandmother says, it's not good to dwell on dreams.
Love you
Talking her hand over the written words, Alessa remembered clearly how her grandmother gave her the journal that she christened Gigi, meaning trustworthy, on her thirteen birthday telling Alessa to write down all her dreams; good and bad. Thinking about it, it's as if her grandmother knew Alessa needed this journal to keep her sane over the years to come.
Alessa vividly remembered the first time she told Hailey, one of her sister's friend, the prediction about her mother. They didn't believe her until one day Hailey, dragging Alessa and her own group of friends, went home early and was shocked to find her mother sleeping with a younger man. Later on, confronting her mother, Hailey decided Alessa's 'prediction' turned out to be what she saw at a cafe and correctly guessed her mother's and the man's relationship. Needless to say, Alessa made an enemy out of Hailey for embarrassing her. From that day on, Hailey soon followed on by Alessa's sister, made it their mission to make Alessa's life full of humiliation and misery.
Shaking her head, Alessa sighed gratefully at the fact that her sister and her friends had more important things to worry about than torturing her; important things like prom.
Letting out another groan, Alessa thought to handle her mother and that problem will have to wait another time but first, she needs to give something very important to her brother first thing in the morning.
Quickly, placing her journal in its original hiding place so her sister doesn't get her hands on it and repeat the incident that happened nearly a year ago. In front of the whole school.
Scanning her room, she noticed small rays of sunlight falling through her curtains. Deciding she won't be able to get any more sleep, she headed towards the bathroom, grabbing her grey running kit and iPod.
Tiptoeing downstairs so not to wake up her family, Alessa headed towards the front door and firmly closed it behind her. Plugging in her earphones, Alessa pressed the shuffle button and was happy when her favourite singer, Usher, started playing.

With her choice of music on, Alessa pulled up her hoodie and started jogging down the grey path to the pavement, already loving the way the breeze felt against her cheeks.
After a long jog that made Alessa feeling fresh and peaceful, she made her way across the same grey path she took. Showing down her pace, Alessa walked on the path with a beautiful front garden, neatly mowed grass on her right. Passing a maple tree, she walked right up to a well of brownstone building and made her way across the kitchen.
On reaching the doorway, Alessa noticed her mum and sister were already eating comfortably at the dining table. Glancing at her wrist, she let out a little 'oops' and goes to make herself breakfast.
"And what time do you call this, Alessa?" her mother questioned her whilst still eating her breakfast. Lily stopped eating castanets and paid attention to her mother and sister.
Taking out the ingredients for a pancake, "Sorry mum. Lost track of time when I was jogging."
Her mother's brown eyes instantly softened at the mention of 'jogging' and asked softly, "Was it a nightmare again?"
Only giving nod for a reply, Alessa took her plate and sat next to her mother. Not sensing a fight, Lily scoffed and went back to eating her toast.
Alessa's family were determined she did not have the ability to 'predict' anything and her predictions, at best, were her outstanding observation skills and her ability to read the situation well. This was said by her personal psychiatrist. The statement was said before Alessa started having regular dreams and was forced to visit a dream therapist by her mother until her father stopped this, saying "there's nothing wrong with her! She's a perfectly normal teenager who sometimes has bad dreams. That doesn't mean she needs therapy. "
On that day, her parents were locked in a room and had the 'the longest argument in the history of their marriage.' However, her father still emerged victoriously and with that, he brought Alessa's freedom. In return, she was made to promise to not whenever she had a bad dream to release stress. This and Gigi kept Alessa sane most of the time.

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