Chapter 18

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Silent tears pooled out of her grandma's eyes and trailed into her hairline. Alessa gave a gentle squeeze to her hand. They waited, knowing it would be best if they allowed their grandma to finish talking first.

"I don't know whether your mother told you this but I have the ability to see ghosts or the souls of those who passed away." James and Alessa looked surprised at the discovery but didn't say anything. "My ability was very weak and I could only see them. I couldn't communicate or touch them like my other... abilities." Her grandma looked away for a moment, then back at them. she had a fond smile on her face.

"It started when your mother got pregnant with Alessandra. Your parents and I were very happy because you see, it was your mother's fourth pregnancy. Judging by your faces, your mother didn't tell you?" James and Alessa shook their heads. "Your mother had a miscarriage and it broke her heart. The doctors declared she couldn't get pregnant again and this time, it nearly killed your mother. Julian and Rose visited every doctor they knew and tried every treatment but no success. Then, Rose became pregnant with Alessandra. I still remember the day – Rose and Julian came up to me with such happy smiles as if the world was laid in front of them." James elbowed her and gave her a cheeky grin. "They didn't know then but they had something far more valuable."

Their grandma took another small gulp of water. "As the pregnancy developed, Rose overcame the worries of losing the baby and you," she pointed to James, "And Lily became more excited about the baby's arrival. It was during the last two weeks of the pregnancy I received the first visit from the Angel."

"From an angel?" blurted James, looking sceptical. Alessa frowned, not understanding what to believe – her grandma or that angels visited her. Her grandma chuckled at their doubtful faces and coughed slightly. James hurried to pass her another glass of water.

"I know that feeling. Especially if that angel told you the child your daughter carried would be the saviour of mankind for when the Earth is covered in white. I was sceptical at first until Alessandra's first birthday."

"What happened on Alessa's first birthday?" said Alessa as she leaned in.

"Why don't you ask yourself, dear," said her grandma. James turned to Alessa.

Alessa shook her head. "I was only one grandma. You can't expect me to remember all the way to my first birthday."

"Why not my dear? Concentrate. You can remember," Alessa's grandma said. "Close your eyes and go back to when you one." Alessa closed her eyes and imagined herself as a one-year-old toddler with black hair and blue eyes. She sighed and shook her head in defeat. She was about to open her eyes when the images of a five-year-old floppy-haired James popped up. She gasped and opened her eyes. James was looking curiously at her.

"It was my first birthday and it was just us and grandma because mum wanted a small birthday party for me." Her grandma nodded, encouraging her to continue. "We had a dog and James was really scared of her." James scoffed in protest but Alessa ignored him. "He was one of those guard dogs dad trained in the back garden. On my birthday, James and I were playing outside so mum and dad could sort out the decoration when the dog broke his chain and attacked James. I remember being scared for James' life and all I could think about was getting the dog as far away as possible and the next thing I know, grandma was next to use the dog was at the other end of the garden." Alessa chuckled at the next part she remembered.

"What?" exclaimed James, annoyed that Alessa stopped. Her grandma smiled at them wistfully.

"I remember from that time on, for a couple of weeks, you thought you had superpowers and would try to move things with your mind." Alessa chortled at her brother's mortified expression.

"Then what happened grandma?" asked James, changing the subject. Alessa's laughter died and she sat up straight, giving her grandma her undivided attention.

"Then what happened? The angel soon visited me again and told me to take Alessa to a lady that would create a barrio to stop her abilities. This time, I believed him so I took Alessa to this lady that knew my name and what I came for. The lady placed a block on Alessa's abilities except to see the future and this shield world break on her eighteenth birthday," finished her grandma. James looked gobsmacked and sat with his eyes and mouth wide open. Alessa frowned. She didn't understand one thing.

"James, dear," said her grandma before Alessa could speak. "Why don't you let the others know I'm awake and take your times." James shook his head out of shock and walked out. Instantly, her grandma's expression changed to seriousness.

"Listen Alessandra and don't interrupt me while I'm about to tell you this." Alessa closed her mouth, recognising the same urgency her grandma had used before. "There was a reason you were born and that was to help humankind from this apocalypse. That's why you have these abilities."

"But grandma, how will I save the human race? I haven't got the abilities you were talking about," said Alessa. "It's impossible to save a planet that would turn into ice and I can't possibly save us all." She didn't know how to feel about her destiny to save the humankind.

"My dear, do you believe and trust everything I've said?" Alessa nodded. Her grandma would never lie and she has faced enough weirdness. One more wouldn't make a difference. "Then place your trust in yourself and your abilities and you will find all your answers n time. I've told you everything the angel told me. It's up to the work of God to save his creation."

Alessa sighed heavily at the sudden burden placed on her shoulders. She only had few days to save the people she loved and the Earth they lived on.

"By the way grandma, how did the angel look like?" said Alessa. Her grandma hummed and smiled.

"Your grandpa when he was younger," said her grandma with a giggle. Alessa quirked her eyebrow, amused at her grandma's unusual behaviour.

"How did grandpa look like?" Alessa's grandpa died before she was born. Only James and Lily had the chance to meet him.

"He looked a bit like James with blonde hair and a bit taller and a bit more muscled."

"So, in other words, a better-looking version of James."

"Who's better looking than me?" called out James as he entered the room.

Their mum cried out 'mum' at the same time as Lily cried out 'grandma' and dashed to hug her. Her dad sat on the chair with a relief but shocked look.

James grinned proudly. "Didn't I tell you I have the best news?" Alessa's mum chocked out a sob and hugged their grandma.

"Alessa?" Sam called out, standing by the door. "Shall we go?" Alessa nodded and gave a quick kiss to her grandma and mum and a hug to her dad. She waved goodbye and followed Sam.

"Where are Finn and Bobby? They did come with us... didn't they?" Sam nodded.

"They're in a similar quarter to where your family are staying," replied Sam. "Your room is with them."

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