Chapter 2

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"Alessa! Hurry up!" A very irritated voice shouted towards her room. With the newly sealed envelope in her gloved hand, Alessa grabbed her hand, taking a moment to check if she had everything and ran downstairs.
"Finally!" Lily spat. "I don't know what takes you so long to get ready when no-one cares how you look like," she added, throwing a disgusted glance at Alessa's long, black skirt and her plaited hair. Their mother shot a warning glance at Lily that said you-better-behave-or-you'll-be-walking-to-school.
Ignoring her," Sorry mum. I was just writing a letter I had to get James to post it today." Walking towards the kitchen, "I'll only be a minute," she added over her shoulder.
"Hurry up! We're going to be late," Lily called out angrily.
Alessa smirked. She knew Lily had no interests in going to school early. She only had one interest: Jack. A well built six-foot giant with shaggy brown hair and, according to her best-friend, the owner of the most dreamiest chocolate brown eyes. He's also Lily's boyfriend.
Her mother makes sure she invites him to lunch at least once a week where Lily gloats about their relationship and her mother asking him about his friends that are single, throwing not so subtle hints at Alessa that she needs to start dating. At the moment, her mother has eyes on a particular hazel eyed boy. She dreaded those lunches.
Alessa's smirk widened. She knows that Lily and Jack's relationship is far more developed than her parents would prefer.
Upon reaching her brother at the dining table, who's munching on some of the leftover pancakes she made, she placed the letter gently next to him.
James, with worry lines evident on his forehead, looked at the letter and then at Alessa.
Not even asking what was in the envelope, "How bad is it?"
Grimacing, "You'll find out."
Sighing, "Ok! I'll post it."
"But make sure -"
"- that I wear gloves," James finished off. "Have fun at school."
Groaning, Alessa made he way to the garage, knowing well Lily wouldn't have waited for her and she was right. Her sister was already seated in the front passenger seat along with their mother.
Slamming the door of her mother's turquoise Nissan Leaf, she sat down.
"What took you soo long?" Lily snapped at her. "Jack's waiting for me at school and because of you, I'm going to be even more late." She huffed angrily and crossed her arms.
"Sorry I'm late," was all Alessa said.
"OK girls. If you stop with the arguing, we might get there on time," their mother interjected, sensing a fight.
"But mum -" Lily was cut off by their mother's warning look.
Feeling the comfortable purr of the engine, Alessa's thoughts dragged her to her letter she gave James to post. James was the only person who she trusted more than anyone else, including her best friend and her parents. After her grandmother, he was the only one who believed every crazy, little thing she said but he didn't always believe her until she saved him.
Grinning to herself, Alessa remembered vividly the expression on her brother's face on that day. Suddenly, she was killed out of her thoughts.
"What are you grinning at, you freak?" Lily said, glaring at her. "Anyway, we're here so I'm going. Bye mum."
Sighing, their mother smiled, "Bye girls. Have a nice day."
At a slower pace, Alessa followed Lily, looking back to wave at her mother.
Walking towards the school's main building, an impressive modern glass plated structure, Alessa couldn't help but feel this school day would be more exciting than normally.
Spotting a flash of brown hair and knee length black dress with short sleeves, grinning, she crept behind and wrapped her arms around the figure.
A loud scream erupted that caught the attention of some students who went back to their group after noticing it was nothing interesting.
"I hate it when you do that Alessa and you know it," Sarah said with a pout, a blush creeping up her orange-brown skin.
"Sorry Sar. Couldn't help it," replied Alessa with the grin still plastered on her face. Sarah huffed and crossed her arms. She then started scanning the crowd.
With a knowing look, "Looking for someone?"
Blushing even more, Sarah nodded. "Henry said he'll wait for me but he's not here."
"Maybe he sent you a text?" Alessa suggested.
"He hasn't. I would have -"
Sarah was interrupted by a ping on her phone. With a slight frown, she read the message and then pouted. "He said he had to do something for his IT project."
Wrapping her arms around Sarah comforting and dragging her to the building. "You know how boys are like with their toys. You can never get them away from them."
Chuckling softly, "Yeah. Anyway, we have important things to talk about."
Alessa noticed the glint in her eyes and backed off slightly.
"No! We're not discussing this right now," she said, covering her ears and walking ahead of her.
Turning for a moment, "I'll see you at lunch," and hurried off as if Sarah would continue the conversation if she stayed any longer. Before Alessa could take another step, a searing pain went through her head that momentarily made her dizzy.
Giving a quick shake to her head, Alessa quickened her pace, dodging bodies of students.
Alessa glanced at her watch and noticed she would be late for her Business Studies class but a feeling of relief took her knowing she had prevented a major problem. Soon, the ambulances will come and also on time.
Knocking on the door of her class, Alessa entered and went straight to her seat at the back of her class, hearing sniggers and 'loser' called out softly.
"And what time do you call this?" demanded a voice from the front.
She sat quietly in front of her computer screen. "Sorry Mrs Beverly. I needed to use the bathroom very badly."
"Since this is your first late, I'll let you off." Groans of disagreement could be heard which were quiet instantly.
"Now I b want you to continue your coursework," continued Mrs Beverly. "You only have two days before the submission date so do all your final crafts."
Nodding, the whole class started to tap away on their computers until a faint sound of ambulance sirens were heard. They were growing louder along with the curiosity of the students.
Some students wandered to the windows to see what was happening when a scream of pain caught their attention.
Mrs Beverly, their teacher, was sitting on the floor and straddling her stomach. Her face was contorted in pain and small beads of sweat was building on her forehead. She was breathing through her nose and breathing or of her mouth to calm her erratic breathing.
"OMG Mrs Beverly! Are you alright?" asked one of the students sitting next to her. Mrs Beverly waved her hand as if to shoo him away.
"She's in labour stupid!" replied a girl. "We need to get her to breath. Someone call an ambulance."
"I don't think we need to," said Jack, turning to the girl. "The paramedics are already here."
As soon as he said that, a group of paramedics carrying various equipment rushed through the door of the classroom and headed straight to their patient. The students walked back to let the paramedics do their work, concern and fear for the wellbeing of their teacher and her baby.

End of tomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now