Chapter 14

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Two months later...

"Wake up Alessa," said a distant voice. Alessa ignored the insistent shaking and turned around. A dull pain started in her head.


"Wake up ales," Bobby said in her ear, "Or you're going to be late for the meeting." Bobby shook her again, in an attempt to wake her. She let out a sigh and smirked. He leaned against Alessa's ear once more. "Your mum just called and asked for you."

Alessa shot up and opened her eyes, wincing at the jolt of pain shot through her forehead. Bobby looked worriedly as Alessa rubbed her forehead and dragged herself off the couch to the phone. She stopped when she heard Bobby and knew was playing.

"A headache again?" Alessa barely nodded and locked herself in the bathroom.

Bobby shook his head. Alessa is stubborn in getting help and insisted on taking painkillers.

Ding! Bobby took the hot piece of toast, blew on it and spread margarine. He took a spoonful of strawberry jam and spread it on the toast.

"I'll make some pancakes," Alessa said. She felt guilty Bobby was chewing on a toast, his face scrunched up.

"No. it's fine. I'm –"

Alessa took the piece of toast out of Bobby's hand and placed it in the bin. She placed the ingredients on the table and started mixing the flour and the milk.

"Here, I'll do that." Alessa handed the bowl to Bobby, smiling at him as she placed a non-stick pan on the gas. Bobby and Alessa had grown closer over the last two month. They spent many sunny afternoons lazing in the sun. often, Finn would join them for a layabout and talk about the books they've read. Finn would mutter 'nerds' lovingly and attempt to hide the smile on his face. She let out a chuckle.

Bobby looked up from his plate of pancakes "What's so funny?"

"Do you remember how I found out what you could do?"

Bobby rolled his eyes and munched on the pancake. "Yeah. How could I forget?"

"You kept staring at me and refused to come near me," her eyes twinkled in amusement.

"You would even give a little scream and run away if I came too near!" Alessa as laughing at the embarrassed blush on Bobby's face.

"Hey! I did not scream and it wasn't my fault that the creepy Jenson –" "-Jason-" "kept following you like a creep." Bobby huffed, shoving the last piece of pancake in his mouth as he tried to ignore Alessa.

Alessa leaned forward and hugged him. "And if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten rid of him." She smiled gratefully and sat back on her stool. "By the way, did my mum really call?"

Bobby shook his head with a cheeky grin and slowly slid off his stool.

Alessa opened her mouth in disbelief. He woke her up for nothing. "You cheeky little -"

Alessa stopped chasing Bobby, who was smirking triumphantly. She hurried to the phone. She knew who would be calling.

"Hello, mum! How are you?" A sweet tinkle of laughter echoes in her ear. Her stomach panged in sadness. She missed her family.

"I'm fine, my dear. We haven't heard from you in ages. I'm beginning to think you've forgotten about us." Alessa let out a forced laugh with her mother. She didn't miss the sad tome.

"No mum. It's not like that, it's been... very busy around here. You know, with all the accidents and everything. The general is thinking about the safety of the people."

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