Chapter 13

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Alessa racked her eyes open, shutting them as the pain shot through her temples. Today was not her day. First, Finn didn't look happy when she managed to find their living area and second, he refused to give anything away.

Finn smirked. "What? Hasn't the general informed you about anything? Especially about your capabilities?"

"Even Doctor Wilde said the same thing. What capabilities are you talking about?" Alessa said, frustrated.

"You're going to have to find out by yourself." Finn turned around and sat, resuming his T.V. show.

Alessa gritted her teeth when she knew she won't get any more answers. She sighed, ran a hand through her hair and trailed to her room. there was one more thing that bothered her.

"By the way, why don't you eat in the cafeteria?"

Finn tensed. "Because we're not good enough for them."

Alessa Sensed there was a deeper reason, a reason maybe Dmitri knew off so she didn't take the subject any further.

"And where's –"


Alessa lifted her head gingerly. She blinked her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting in the room. clicked the table lamp on and tried to remember what she had been revising before she fell asleep as she attempted to get rid of a headache.

She frowned, worried. It was very unusual for her to get headaches. She rarely got them and when she did, they weren't persistent like this one. Maybe, it has something to do with the new routine and the scientists testing. It didn't help she had her A-Level tests coming ahead of her.

Her stomach grumbled. "Ok! ok! I'll get something for you. You really have bad timing you know?" Alessa shook her head at her silliness. Maybe she is cracking under pressure and this is how her body responds.

She quietly padded out of her room and into the corridor. She saw some lights in the windows. She'll need to ask Sam which room is hers. Just in case.

Alessa pursed her lip and followed the route she took earlier. She strolled through the dimly lit hallway, the huge windows giving the view of trees casting long shadows on the grass. She had been too busy finding her room earlier that she didn't notice the amazing scenery in front of her.

Alessa pushed the cafeteria door and headed towards the trays. The cafeteria was deserted more than usual.

"Thank you," said Alessa to middle-aged woman as she piled her pate with lasagne. She didn't notice the woman at lunchtime.

"Where are all others? There has got to be more people working here than a couple of scientists?"

The lady chuckled warmly. "Don't you worry my dear. The eating timetable is a bit different for the scientists and the agents but you'll learn quickly."

"The agents? You mean they eat here?"

She smiled. "My dear, not only do they eat here but they live here. Their timetable is a bit different and that's why the café's open twenty-four-seven. My girls have a right good time when they come." She gave a laugh and handed an extra-large piece of strawberry cake. "Better eat that dear. We're going to get flooded in about fifteen minutes."

Alessa smiled her thanks and collected her tray of delicious goodies. She chose a random table and sat down. A silent moan left her mouth as the lasagne melted in her mouth. She hadn't realised how hungry she had been and shovelled the food in her mouth, ignoring her mother's stern voice on table manners at the back of her head. With a satisfied sigh, Alessa patted her stomach, picked her tray and placed them in the empty pile of dirty dishes.

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