Chapter 21

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It's been three days since Alessa decided to fulfil her destiny yet she still hasn't been able to figure out what her grandpa meant. With a sigh, she closed her diary and hid it in it normal place: under the mattress. Alessa couldn't help but frown. She had an unusual dream. The dream of her sleeping and something about a material from Earth. She also saw herself destroy things. Alessa shuddered. It was as if she couldn't control herself.

Alessa sighed and got up. Her stomach rumbled and reminded her it was dinner time and her mum would have made something tasty. She made sure her diary was well hidden and walked out. Finn and Bobby's doors were slightly ajar. They already had gone to dinner.

The corridor was empty. Something seemed wrong. Alessa's feet dragged her to the main lab. She heard shouts and screams and she felt a strange power pull her through the door.

Scientists and agents stood around something. They had guns pointing to the middle. As Alessa walked closer, she realised they weren't standing around something but someone. Someone that was in agony.

Sam, one of the first scientists to witness the breakdown, noticed Alessa stalking towards the girl. With a panicked look, she sprinted in front of Alessa, effectively blocking the view of the airborne female.

"What are you doing here? You need to go. Now!" said Sam as she tried to push Alessa out of the lab. Alessa ignored her and walked behind one of the armed agents. She needed to see the person. Alessa could feel how much pain they were in and she needed to them.

Sam attempted to physically pull Alessa away but she shrugged her off. Dmitri noticed Sam's failed attempt so and purposefully strode towards them.

"Alessa, you need to go. Now!" Dmitri commanded her. Alessa ignored him. She pulled at one of the armed agents with a surprising strength and sat next to the Arab girl ignoring the pointed guns. She placed a hold on the girl's forehead which seemed to help the girl as she stopped screaming.

Alessa looked up at Sam who had followed her. "What happened to her? Why is she like this?"

"We don't know. We found her screaming and tried to help her but every time we came close to her, some sort of... power or shield just threw us off," said Sam. She looked flabbergasted.

Alessa looked at the girl, hoping she could explain, "Do you know why this happened?" The girl nodded, whimpering in pain.

"When I was young, I could move small objects with my mind. My parents found out and they freaked out. They took me to someone that stopped my powers for a while but now that we're in trouble, I wanted to use my powers to help people but it hurts so much," she finished off, crying. Alessa didn't know what to do so she thought of calm thoughts and no pain. The girl stopped whimpering in pain and sighed, closing her eyes and nodding off. Alessa moved her hand cautiously. She didn't want to wake the girl up.

Sam gaped in shock at Alessa. Alessa was beginning to understand the extent of her abilities but unable to explain to Sam or anyone else. There was one thing she didn't understand.

"What was she talking about?" she questioned before Sam had the chance to. "Is it possible for something like this to happen?" The agents were talking the girl somewhere whilst Dmitri and the others stayed behind.

"I suppose if you clocked your powers long enough and over time, it would build up so if you tried to use them, it'll just explode. It'll be bad for the person and the people around them," explained Sam. "How did you –"

"I don't know. I just though calm thought and it just happened," explained Alessa hastily. "I'll explain to you later. Mum's waiting for me for dinner." Alessa dashed out of the room towards her parent's living area.

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