Chapter 5

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Alessa rejoiced in happiness as she got out of the shop. Sarah had just visited the last of many, many shops and brought the things she liked. They walked down the street with hands full of shopping bags and Alessa dragged her feet as she followed Sarah.

"I thought you were supposed to be a jogger so why are you tired?" laughed Sarah.

"Well, I don't get trained for this torture." Alessa groaned as she felt the stiff muscles in her arms. "Did you really had to buy these many things? We were only supposed to be doing prom shopping."

Sarah blushed. "I really liked them so I bought them," Sarah replied. "Anyways, you didn't buy anything so I felt like I had to buy something on tour behalf." Alessa stuck out her tongue to which Sarah replied by sticking out her tongue.

"Ok! OK!" Alessa laughed, giving up on the argument. "I'll make sure I buy something next time I'm going shopping with you. This way, my torture will be much shorter."

The girls walked home leisurely with Sarah talking animatedly about the prom and Alessa pretended to listen. Alessa thought back to this morning. She had a feeling she recognised Dr Wilde from somewhere, not just her premonition. She just couldn't place a name or place to the face and it was frustrating her.

Sarah stopped when she realised Alessa wasn't listening and Alessa nearly bumped into her.

"Hey," she said softly, snapping Alessa out of her thoughts?"

"Yeah," sighed Alessa. "I'm just worried about mum's reaction to the news."

Both girls grimaced. They knew Mrs Saunders loved nothing more than her girls being girly as possible. Alessa had told Sarah her dilemma about her mother trying to pair Ethan and her together as couples and now that they'll be going to prom together, there's no telling how badly her mother will react.

Don't worry, you'll be all right," reassured Sarah. "Think of it this way: there's only one week to prom so you'll only have to live through it for a week."

Sarah quickly walked, trying to stifle her giggles at her friend's horrified face.


Alessa took a deep breath and quietly walked through the door. She tiptoed across the landing to the stairs when she stopped. She had noticed her mother and sister standing in front of the living room with their arms crossed.

She walked towards them at a snail pace. Her mother seemed to be vibrating with happiness with every step she took. However, her sister's scowl, which seemed to be permanent, deepened with every step she took.

Suddenly, she was engulfed in a hug that squeezed the air out of her lungs. Her mother had decided to come to Alessa and now she was standing there beaming at Alessa in her sleek, three-piece business suit.

"I'm so proud of you," she squealed, hugging Alessa one more time. Alessa gasped for air when her mother let go of her vice-like hug.

She led Alessa to the living room by her hand and sat her down.

"Lily told me how he asked you to the prom. It's so romantic," gushed her mother with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I knew you two would make an adorable couple."

Her mother ignored the dirty looks Lily was throwing at Alessa.

"Have you decided on the dress you'll be wearing?" asked her mother. Alessa shook her head. Her mother looked disappointed for a moment.

"I was going to go upstairs and order a dress," added Alessa. Her mother brightened up immediately.

"Don't worry about how to spend. Just find the perfect dress," said her mum. "I'm going to go and make something for the occasion," her mum added as she went to the kitchen.

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