New Ways, Old Habits

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Leslie walked out of the back kitchen of the restaurant, that she had spent five days a week and nine to ten hours a day at. She sighed she didn't want to be there, she could have spent the day with her friends. They were going to go to the mall, and go get they're nails and hair done and see a movie. Though she didn't really care for the hair and nails part, she really wanted to go to the mall and watch a movie, preferably a horror movie her favorite. She walked over towards table 3 and placed down they're orders.
"The all American meal, and the Summer slumber."
the old women looked up at her
"Thank you deary, you are always such a big help to us." Leslie looked at her and smiled.
"Thank you, Ms. Hawken, it is always my pleasure and you know it." Leslie then turned and began to walk away.

Across town Derek sat at and large table. He looked around at all the men and women there, he could help but roll his eyes.
"How in the world did we come to this conclusion?"

he said you could tell by the tone of his voice he was irritated. One man in the office was standing at the further end of the table.

"You know your father believed in good fortune, and along with that, he believed that his marriage is what kept his business going, and caused the curse to stop. So you must keep it going".

Derek looked at him with a smirk on his face
"You have got to be kidding me."
he then started to laugh about it, but the man continued to give him and more serious look.
"You know that is the way is has been for 50 years."Derek rolled his eyes
"Yes but that was my father's stupid belief."

The man smirked at Derek
"You do realize, if you don't keep going, Your father allowed for us to remove you from the will and then you will not receive any money."
Derek then dropped his smile and frowned.
"So then you expect me, to go out and find some random stranger and marry her?"
The man looked down and looked then back to him
"You know she can be where ever ever as long as you are married."
"Fine I will do it." Derek said he hated that he had to go through all of this.

Back at the restaurant Leslie was in the back kitchen, she was preparing the next meal for her customers. She sighed again, she then thought how long am I gonna keep doing this to myself. She rolled her eyes, a beautiful blonde ran towards the back of the kitchen.
"Oh my goodness. I think I just met the man of my dreams sitting out there at table six." Leslie couldn't help but to look at her and smile.
"Girl what in the holy hell are you talking about now?"  the blonde smiled and grabbed Leslie hand. "Come out and see, he did say that he wanted some coffee, why don't you work on that and I will take the food to the table." Leslie rolled her eyes, she then walked out and grabbed the coffee for table six. She then walked out from the back and towards the front.
She walked over and placed down the coffee, with out looking at the customer's face.
" What can I get you today sir." she said.
"How about some of your time Leslie?"
Leslie looked up from her pad and pencil, she licked her lips.

"What the hell dragged you in here?" she said looking aways from him. Derek smirked at her "Now you know that is no way to treat and old boyfriend."
Leslie chuckled a little
"Oh don't even go there with your bullshit, what do you want, you certainly are not here to ask me to take you back. So what drags you into my neck of the woods, Mr. CEO?"
Derek continued to hold his smile. "How about we just talked about that after you get off."
Leslie slapped her pen and pad against the table "What could I possibly have to talk to you about? Huh please enlighten me? cause last time I check you said you wanted noting to do with me, after we broke up and went our separate ways." Derek raised his eyebrow at her
"Like I said, after you get off we will talk okay?" he said. Leslie rolled her eyes and walked away
"What ever fine then. Wait I don't really care what you do." she then walked back into the back kitchen and finished her shift.
That night. Leslie creeped towards the front of the restaurant, she peaked her head out to see if Derek was still there. Sure enough he was still sitting there, she sighed to herself. She turned and walked out the back of the restaurant, she didn't want him to know that she was done. She walked down the ally way and towards the front, she looked around. To her surprise she didn't see him, she started to make her way across the parking lot until.
"Oh Leslie, you really think that you can run away from me huh?"
Leslie turned around quickly looking at Derek standing there, his arms folded across his chest. She smiled
"I was not running, I was going to check something really fast, and then I was gonna come back and talk with you."
she said. Derek smirked at her comment, he then walked over towards her. Grabbed her arm and dragged her towards his car, over towards the passenger side. He unlocked it and opened it for her, looking into her eyes
"Get into the car Leslie."
he said to her
She looked down at the door and then back towards him, she rolled her eyes
"Ah, fine I will go with you."
once she was inside. Derek closed the door and then walked towards the driver side and got inside, he started the car and drove off. Every now and then Derek would sneak and look at Leslie, she could feel his eyes on her body, burning a complete hole through her head.
"Are you just gonna sit there and stare. Or are you gonna tell me what this is all about?" she then turned and looked at him.
He smirked "What I can't admire seeing you?" he said
She laughed "You still haven't changed still funny as hell, but no get to the point."
"Fine." he said "I want you to marry me." Leslie looked at him and screamed "WHAT!" she said "Wait stop the car, we really have to talk about this."
Derek did stop the car. They both sat there and just stared out of the front window. No one spoke, no one even moved, they just sat.

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