Not So Private

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The smell of beacon and maple syrup filled the house. Leslie tossed and turned in bed, she reached down and rubbed her stomach. It was starting to get to her, the smell of the food, she opened her eyes and yawned. She then got up and started to follow the smell, she opened her bedroom door. Making her way down the staires, and into the kitchen. As she walked around the corner, she seen Derek standing there, she seen him cooking. She then looked at the table across the room and seen it fill with food. She smiled to herself, she enjoyed that he loved to cook, that was one of the things that made her fall for him. He wasn't afraid to show his soft side, but that was before the bad things happened between them. But he still kept the cooking part. Which made her happy, she watched him again, she then turned and started to creep over towards the table. She reached her hand out about to take a piece of beacon, when her hand got smacked away. She grabbed her hand and eased the pain. "Hey what was that for?" she said as she looked at Derek. He looked back at her and smiled. "Your being a bad wife. You know you have to wait until I'm finished cooking." he said. Leslie couldn't help but smile at what he said. She then rolled her eye's and sighed "Okay you damn perfectionist." she said. She then pulled out a chair and took her seat.
After a while breakfast was done. And ready to be eaten, Derek grabbed two glasses off the counter. He then grabbed the orange juice from the fridge, closed it behind him and then walked towards the table. He sat down and placed a glass in front of Leslie, and then to himself. He opened the orange juiced poured hers frist and then his own. After he was done they then both started to eat. Derek looked at Leslie every now and then when she would eat. He smiled, she looked so cute when she eat, almost like a little child, who happened to have they're favorite meal mom would cook to make them happy. He chuckled a little. Leslie noticed and then looked at him. "What's so funny?" she asked him. He looked at her and smiled "I don't know what you are talking about?" he said. She smirked at him. "Don't play with me you know exactly what I'm talking about." she said. They both then went silent, until Derek decided to speak again. "Are you busy today?" he asked her. She looked at him in confusion. "No why?" she asked. He grabbed his glass and took a sip of his orange juice. "How about you come with me for the day?" he asked her with a devilish smile on his face. Leslie laughed a little. "Oh hell no, I do not want to go and sit all day at that boring ass job you have." she said. He laughed "Oh we are not going there. There is another place I want to take you." he said. Leslie sat there and thought for a minute. "Okay I will go." Derek smiled licking his lips "I think you will enjoy this place a lot." he said. Leslie took a drink from her cup, still giving him a confused look, she didn't know what he meant by that, but oh was she about to find out.

Later both Derek and Leslie drove to an area of town she had never seen. She seen that they were next to a body of water. "Wait? What is this place?" she asked looking at him seeking and answer. He looked at her as he shut off the car. "Don't ask to many questions. Come on inside? And you will see. And dont freak out either, it's not like a bunch of people are in there waiting to kill you or something." he said with such sarcasm, that it kind of turned her stomach. She smirked. "I don't know. You hear so many stories now of days." he looked at her shocked. "So are to saying you don't trust, your own husband then?" he asked her. She looked away and started to open the door. "I never said that." she said playfully. "Yeah but that is what it sounded like." he said as he opened his door as well and started to get out. He locked his car. Leslie then walked around and met him on the other side of the car. They both then started to walk towards the building, it looked like it was meant to be hidden.

Once inside, Derek turned and looked at Leslie. He seen that she was looking around in surprise and amazement, like a child who seen something new in they're life they thought was very cool. He then smiled to himself. "If I told you what this was all for, would you judge me?" he asked her. Leslie looked into his eye's. He honestly couldn't stand when she did that, it made me feel weak towards her. Like she could ask for anything in that world and he would hand it to her, cause she seemed innocent. She then spoke to him." Now why would I do that?" she asked him. He dropped his head and sighed. Leslie looked at him confused, thinking that he was disappointed in her response. "What?" she asked him. He then lifted his head looking back at her. "I'm do a little modeling on the side." he finally said. Leslie then smiled at him. "You were really that scared to tell me that?" she felt like laughing, cause why would she judge him. She really didn't feel a need to. Derek laughed a little out loud. "I don't know why I thought that." he admitted to her. He then turned and began to walk. Leslie just followed. They walked towards a pair of doors. Derek opened the door. Leslie looked she was excited. There were lights and cameras and people every where. Derek walked in further. Leslie still followed him. She had got caught up in all the things that were going on that she lost Derek, she looked around every where and couldn't find him. A short women, late 30s walked over towards Leslie. "You must be Derek's wife?" she asked. Leslie looked at her smiled. "Yes. I'm Leslie." she reached out her hand for a hand shake, but the women didn't take the hand shake. "Oh I know who you are. Derek talks about you all the time. Leslie raised an eyebrow. She was a little surprised to hear that."Really?" was all she could say. The short lady smiled. "Call me miss Linda, just like everyone else dose." she turned and started to walk. She motioned for Leslie to follower her, so she did. Miss Linda led them both to front roll seats to the show, she was about to watch Derek do a shoot today. She was so happy, she never in her life knew he did this. And every time she thought about it, she wonder what he was like on set of a photo shoot. Oh was she about to find out. The lights dimmed just a little. Leslie looked around in wonder as to why, she didn't see Derek come on, until she looked straight ahead of her. Her mouth dropped a little.

Oh hell no, she thought to herself

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Oh hell no, she thought to herself. What in the world. Why here and why now.she sat and watched a little, but couldn't control herself. She started to stir a little in her seat, as she could feel herself melt just looking at him. Her body was getting hot. She cleared her throat and thought to herself, as long as he keeps his eye's to himself, then everything will be okay, just don't look this way she thought. But she spoke it into her own existence. Derek looked her way his eye's piercing right into her soul. She wanted so bad to break her stare, but for a little it felt like they were the only two people in the studio. She felt herself warm up some more under his stare. So she shifted a little in her seat. Derek could tell she was uneasy. It made him excited he could make her react like this. He smirked at her, fuck she thought. She knew that he knew she was all hot and bothered by him. She then started to imagine herself up there. She was standing behind him, she ran her hands down his chest slowly, feeling every inch of his body. And then she reached lower and lower, taking what was hers into her hands. She bit her lips and then licked his ear, he groaned out as she did so. She then whispered to him. "You belong to me." She then snapped out of her trance, as someone yelled "That's a wrap." Leslie then stood up, she made her way outside and to the car. She was glad she did she need the fresh air to cool down. After a while Derek walked out and over towards the car. He walked towards her "Everything okay?" he asked her. She shook her head, she could tell her face was red and hot, she was blushing. She couldn't look him in the eye's "Yeah everything is okay." she said. As she rubbed her thighs together. Derek took notice and smirked, he unlocked the car, opened the door for her. Leslie got inside, she still didn't look at him "Thank you." she said. Derek then closes the door, walked around and got in on the driver side, started the car and took off home.

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