Chapter 17. Anna - stargazing

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"Lucy, did you ever think this is what your life was gonna turn out to be? Cos I sure didn't. I had planned finish college, finish my exams, study medicine and become a decent doctor"
"I never really had anything planned, I just kinda went with the flow" replied Lucy
"Huh, I guess I'm a bit more prepared than most" I chuckled kicking my legs up as I stared into the universe. Lucy and I intended to cloud gaze on the field, then the hours rolled by, soon the sun disappeared and you could see the stars glimmering.
"It's sad to think that those stars were seeing have died already" I mused giving a sad smile
"What!?" Lucy looked at me in confusion, turning her face into a frown
"Well, you know how stars are so far away, by the time the light they give off travels into our eyes they die"
"Well that's just depressing! Way to ruin my childhood Anna" Lucy fell onto her face and buried it in the grass in defeat, I laughed. It's nice having a friend.

"Anna!" Ben was hopelessly running up the hill we positioned ourselves on, to find us, he was panting as he screeched my name. I sat up, what the hell is going on?

"Freya, she... Made... Me... Run up.. find.... You" Ben said between gasps. "Take this" he panted thrusting a piece of paper into my hand as he sat down next to my feet and massaged his own after chucking his trainers down next to him and peeling his socks off.

"Oh God!" I moaned horrified
"What is it?" Ben and Lucy asked in unison

"Ben's feet smell rotten!"

"Why thank you Anna, always a pleasure" Ben gave me a look as if to say, you really made a big deal outta nothing. Although to be fair, his feet were undeniably smelly!

"right back to the important piece of paper" I said smoothing out the creases inflicted by Ben when he charged up the hill with it in his hand.

"It's blank"

Ben looked at me dumbfounded.

He cussed calling Freya a female dog as he slowly put his socks and trainers back on. I heard him muttering something under his breath it sounded like "stupid... Treating me like a slave... I deserve better... All the way around the academy then up the hill and down the hill then up another hill and down again and again and again and again!" By the end he was practically shouting.

I looked at Lucy and Lucy looked at me and suddenly we burst into uncontrollable laughter. Lucy began to grip her stomach on agony as I wiped a tear from my eye. Ben gave us each a death stare. "I- I'm s-s-sorry," the apology didn't last long. I erupted into hysterical laughter soon enough. I've never felt this way before, never laughed at things like this before, I finally know what it's like to have a friend...

Suddenly Ben bolted up and sated at us each "did you do that?!" He asked wagging his finger at me "do what?" I responded innocently. "You bloody flicked the back of my head"
"And why are you accusing me of that?"
"Shut up! I'm telling something flicked the back of my head!"
"Ben, Anna didn't do it and neither did I"
"But I'm telling you, it's true!"
"I believe you, and I think we all need to go back to the academy... OW! Like pronto!" Lucy stated
"Whatdoyamean?" Asked Ben hurriedly
"I was flicked on my ear!" Lucy complained
"Let's get outta here..." I suggested, making my way down the hill hoping they would follow behind.

"Jet!" Ben shouted
"What now?" Jet replied groggily rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I thought you're meant to protect me until I learn to use my power properly-" Jet stared at Ben making it clear he couldn't care less "unless you've got something better to do-" Ben tried to look into the door that was the barrier between Jet's bedroom and the hallway. Jet slammed the door closed, turning Ben the other way and directed him to the lounge at the end of the corridor, as it was late at night and almost everyone except for newlys were exhausted from a long day of training.

Jet stretched his arms out and yawned taking a seat in a bright yellow armchair. He motioned us to sit in front of him. "So, what's wrong with you? Except for the fact that you enjoy waking good, innocent people from their well-deserved sleep" complained jet with dramatic flair. "We were on the hill on the west side of the academy and something like poked the back of my head! Well, more like jabbed or something like that, it really hurt!" Moaned Ben rubbing his head
"It got me too!" Whined Lucy pouting slightly as she sunk in her seat
"Well" began Jet as he studied the three of us "this looks like a case of Anna!" He declared
"Don't look at me!" I yelled defensively
"Urgh! Lemme have a look at the back of your head then, come on" suggested Jet motioning toward Ben. Ben turned around as Jet tried to get a good look at bend head. Jets face fell suddenly. "The west side did you say?" He said it so timidly Lucy and I were both eagerly waiting to find out what happened.
"I think I'm gonna have to get the nurse" Jet muttered as he slowly got up onto his feet.
"Oh no you don't!" Ben grabbed Jet's wrist and demanded to be told what happened to his head.
"A blue stinger Hornet happened" Jets words trailed off as he stared longing at his wrist. "Blue stinger what?" I asked amazed. "I've never heard of that type of hornet before" before I got too excited Lucy reminded me to stay focused
"That's because you only get them here, at the academy, we never got rid of them because in some cases they can be extremely helpful cos the Blue gooey gel they give off heals wounds if inflicted by creatures of the night... But if not the stingee could get poisoned" Jet turned to Lucy "are you wearing any coconut scented products?" Lucy looked baffled by the question but nodded her head anyway " I might have accidentally rubbed some of my coconut lipgloss on my ear... Why?"
Jet sighed dramatically "they. Love. Coconuts"
"Hey! I don't smell like coconuts, what's my deal" Ben asked defiantly
"I dunno, they probably just don't like you" Jet answered simply. Ben opened his mouth and shut it again several times before deciding what he was going to say wasn't worth it after all.
"Well, that settles it. I'm taking you three to the nurse!" Stated Jet matter-of-fact.

Author's note: Hey everyone! Here on Wattpad is an amazing author called RubixCube89201 , I'm still Halfway through reading her book (the good girl's bad boys) recommended by chevredelalune and it is amazing! I definitely recommend anyone who reads this to check it out.

So far in the story, I'm not sure if I've explained enough things for you to understand it so I promise the next chapter will be dedicated to helping you out with understanding everything as well as some more chapters focusing on some character backgrounds, other than Ben's of course 😊

I really hope you are enjoying the story and keep reading for more!

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