Chapter 26. Anna - magic and potions class

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Lucy was on the phone to her boyfriend Collin. She was gushing about how cool the school was and even winked at me when mentioning her new friends. I couldn't stop thinking about the mission. We were supposed to start classes today, the four of us finally had our timetables mailed under our dorm door. Freya had said something about finding a balance between school and the mission but I had a feeling that the mission would eventually become top priority.

I spun around at my desk chair. We didn't have much of a chance to decorate our dorm, so the walls were completely bare. It felt hollow. The only life seemed to be coming from Collin in Lucy's phone. I miss earth. I really do, my family can really hurt me at times, but they're my family and I love them. I'd suffer through those meticulous tasks again just so I could sleep in my own bed or just talk to my mum. Lucy was saying her goodbyes. School should start in 10 minutes. We had magic and potions class first period, then sword art and weaponry for second period. There were only four classes every day, it was a contrast to the usual 6 periods we had back on earth. The four were split in the middle by lunch. I checked the timetable again. History of the far-side and fitness. We still don't know if the four of us are in any classes together. Just that I'm in the same class as Lucy for first and fourth period. We'll see if I can survive until fourth period...


Mr Daymer spent the first five minutes of the lesson adjusting his glasses, fixing his tie and writing notes on the chalkboard. For a school in another dimension, I didn't expect there to still be chalkboards. Lucy glanced over at me then looked down to my notepad. I noticed she didn't have nothing in front of her. I rolled my eyes as she pouted and pleaded with her puppy dog eyes until I ripped out a few sheets of paper for her work.

"Welcome newlys" mr Daymer said yet again adjusting his glasses. "This is magic and potions class, here we learn how to handle our abilities and learn the science behind potions". Mr Daymer rapped on the chalkboard and an animation began playing.
"You see everyone here has an ability" the chalkboard began forming a picture, it was as if it had come straight out of Mr Daymer's mind. He pointed at the board. "These four elements, earth, water, air and fire, are the most powerful elements to have as abilities, todays lesson we will be focusing on our State, now you may be wondering what state means..." I zoned out, which was a first considering I usually pay attention in class but there was something odd going on I just couldn't tell what. I looked at the chalkboard and it had a picture of a girl with a spirit ability accessing her state.

"This woman used to be a student at the academy but as soon as she graduated she made her way into the far-side defence force or the FSDF for short, it took her just under a year to gain access to her state, currently the fastest ever recorded-" Mr Daymer twitched slightly.

"Actually sir-" Lucy began, but I elbowed her in the stomach. She frowned at me but I just shook my head. I had a bad feeling that sharing anything about the four of us would lead to something worse.

"Lucy?" Mr Daymer said. That was when I figured it out.

"Nothing sir" Lucy said.

"So," Mr Daymer began, he twitched again slightly. "To access your state, first you must be able to control your ability"
Mr Daymer leaned against his desk. "How many of you here have accessed your ability?"
Several hands flew up into the air including mine and Lucy's.
"Excellent, now, your state is your most powerful version of yourself..." once again, I zoned out. I started watching carefully.
Mr Daymer twitched slightly as he explained what you can do while accessing your state. Lucy seemed thoroughly interested in the topic and kept her eyes glued to the morphing chalkboard.

Suddenly everyone was getting up from their chairs, it was the end of the lesson. Quickly tucking my chair into my desk I hurtled out of the door. As soon as Lucy walked past, I pulled her aside.  "Didn't you notice something off?" I asked her, hoping for the right answer.
"No?" She said waiting for me to elaborate
"Mr Daymer, you really didn't notice anything?" I asked pleadingly.
"Mr Daymer seemed normal to me" Lucy shrugged. I let go of my grip on her arm, maybe I was just imagining it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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