Chapter 1

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"You're fired!" My boss exclaimed.

My day sucked ass. It was just bad after bad after bad and I couldn't stop the ball from rolling down hill.

First, I woke up late because the batteries in my alarm clock died on me. So that caused me to stumble around my room and miss the bus and breakfast. My mother was too busy with Georgiana and Noah to care about me so I was going to have to walk the three miles from the house to the school, which would make me late. Again. Thankfully my step-dad, Steven, gave me a ride and stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way for coffee and food. I was still late though, and I got an after school detention to serve.

After being late to first period, I got an F on my Chemistry test, my mandated trip to the guidance counselor to 'talk' about my depression and cutting. Part of the divorce settlement between my parents was that my mom got me and my dad got my twin brother, and the one that got me had to put me through grief counseling and keep me under constant supervision because I was on Suicide Watch. What a bunch of Bull Shite.

After leaving my favorite place in the world, I went to gym class only to discover that it was swim day and I had gotten my period. And I forgot a tampon, so I got no participation points for the day. Then the end of the day came and I served my detention with the regulars; stoners, cheeters, and other people who are late. After serving my detention, I ran to the cafe where I work-- worked-- where I was fired because I was late for the third time this month.

Which brought me to where I am now, in the bathroom, bawling my eyes out. My life is to f-d up right now I don't know how to handle myself. All I want to do it get a little buzzed and cut myself. I want to take away the pain from being rejected by my mother, my only sister, from the people I need the most. I got off the bathroom floor and stumbled out of the room, only to crash into a very solid chest. A pair of arms immediately went around me as I stumbled a little bit. I looked up at the gorgeous boy and felt frazzled and a little bit embarrased. This guy has my snot all over him. Great, another thing to add to today's list.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded then shook my head. "Come on, I'll buy us some coffee and you can tell me exactly what went wrong." He said, steering me into a chair. I watched Coffee Shop Boy order two small coffees and return to the table minutes later, a faint smile on his face.

"So, what's your name, cutie?" He asked as he sat across from me, passing me the styrofoam cup.

"Fee." I said instantly, using the nickname my dad gave me.

"Well it's a pleasure to be in your presence, Fee." He said, taking a sip of the hot coffee. "Now, please tell me what made you cry."

"Well, it's not just one thing, it's this whole day." I said quietly, taking a long pull of my coffee. "And I don't think you want to hear about some stranger's day, Coffee Shop Boy." He smirked at me.

"I like the ring of that, Fee or Coffee Shop Girl? I like Coffee Shop Girl better than Fee. I'll call you that from now on." He said happily. "Now, please tell me about this bad day of yours." He took one of my hands away from my cup and linked our fingers together. After a moment of hesitation, I divulged my day to this perfect stranger. And he actually listened. Once in a while, he would brush his fingers against my palm, precociously getting closer to the healing cuts on my wrists. How would he react to them?

"Well," Coffee Shop Boy ssaid when I finished my day. "I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't worry thought, things will get better later, I promise. Can I see your phone, Fee?" He asked. I reached into my pocket and gave him my phone. He typed something in and handed it back to me. "Gotta go. Check out my show. It's in your contacts." He started to get up and my sleeve fell down my wrist, showing my cuts. I quickly pulled the sleeve back up, hoping he didn't notice. But he did because he slowly sat back down.

"Fee," He said softly, grabbing my wrist. "Why?"

"It's nothing. Just an accident." I mumbled, looking down at my coffee. He sighed and stood again, and shockingly pressed his lips to the crown of my head. "Please stop." He whispered.




"So," Coffee Shop Boy said. I was watching his webshow. He took my phone earlier and programed his number into it. Out of curiosity, I texted him and asked him his name. Coffee Shop Boy said 'don't worry, cutie, watch my show and all will be revealed.' So here I am, watching his show as I tried not to look at my scars.

"I met this girl today at the coffee shop I always go to. I won't say her name because I want her to do something for me at the end of the segment. Anyways, she was crying when we met and I wanted to know why. Fellas, you should never let a crying girl go unconsoled, even if you don't know her. I pulled her over to a table and started talking to her like we had know each other all out lives. This girl is beautiful, inside and out. But I noticed that she had these cuts on her wrists, and I thought 'why would such a beautiful girl feel the need to harm herself?'. I asked her about it, but she avoided my question easily.

"Coffee Shop Girl, this is where I have to ask something of you. If you want to know my name, meet me at the Coffee Shop tomorrow after school. I''m gonna need a friend since we're going to the same school, after all."

Meeting Ophelia (Now on Radish)Where stories live. Discover now