Chapter 9

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I have fallen in love with Ophelia Octavia Bello. Scars and all. Even though she doesn't think she's beautiful or worth it, she's worth so much to me. I know that she hasn't cut since I took her to my house, but I can tell that she is struggling. Everyday I find her in her sister's kitchen, staring at the knife drawer. I know the feelings that she's trying to ignore. I still deal with them after three years. It's addicting. It provides a relief that people can't provide. The fact that I love Ophelia could drive her farther away from me. I don't want to lose her. Not now, not ever. I want to tell her how I feel, but I shouldn't. She's not ready for it.

"Bram, come on." Fee whispered in my ear. "We're going to be late." She adjusted the bow tie that took us an hour to tie. Viola and Nathan wanted to throw Fee a birthday party tonight, something really special this year. So we decided a cotsumed party would be fitting. Fee is Snow White, her favorite princess as a child. Nathan apparently had an extra bow tie in his closet and insisted I dress up as Matt Smith, Fee's celebrity crush. Viola and Nathan had their own costumes, and as a secret, they flew up her dad, brother, step dad, and Nikko for her birthday.

"Cutie, the party is literally on the roof. We'll be there in a few minutes. They can wait for us." I said, locking my arms around her waist. "I haven't seen you all day." I leaned in and claimed her lips, kissing her like it was the end of the world. I walked her backwards into the wall, letting my hands travel up and down her waist. Good God this girl had an affect on me...

"Fee, Bram, come on!" Viola sang as she entered our room. Who's idea was it to give her the spare key? I pulled away from Ophelia and took her hand in mine.
"We're coming." I said, leading Ophelia to the door.




Seeing Fee cry tears of joy was worth it. We totally made her birthday come true. The minute we stepped foot onto the roof, tears were in her eyes. I believe that she never believed anyone could love her. But people do, including Viola. As Fee danced with three of the most improtant men in her life, Viola and Valentine cornered me. Oh shit.

"So, Bram, you have the hots for my baby sis." Viola stated. I gluped and nodded once. "Do you want to sleep with her?" I gluped again. I didn't know how to answer this one. One: my best friend and Fee's brother was here. He could kill me for either answer. And so could Viola. I do want to sleep with Fee. I love her. I know I can't tell her, because she will freak. But I could show her. And it's not like I'm taking her virginity. Nikko already beat me to that.

"That depends, Viola. Are you asking me if I want to take her virginity? Nikko's beat me to it. Are you asking me if I want to show your sister I love her?" I asked. "Yes, because I'm afraid that if I tell her, she'll freak out and never want to see me again." I admitted to Viola. Val had left to go dance with his twin, leaving me with his older sister.

"Truthfully, this is the happiest I've seen Fee since the affair started. My mom broke her, there's no denying that. My mom loved Fee, and I guess that she still does, but it's not the same as it once was. Mom likes to control everything. She liked how things were before the divorce started. She liked having her husband and children oblivious and her lover in the palm of her hand. Now she doesn't have that anymore and she hates it. She hates marriage. She never wanted to be married to my dad, but when they found out that they were expecting me, dad wanted an American Dream family. Mom wanted anything but marriage. At the time, she was alright with it. then Fee and Bram came along a year after I was born and my mom was forced to stay home with us. She hated it, being stuck with the same kids day in and day out, but what choice did my dad give her? A toddler and twins with an income that was only meant to support two people was not going to cut it." Viola said, rubbing her stomach.

"Mom made Fee's life a living hell for ratting her out to dad. She's treated her like shit since she was nine years old because she never wanted Fee. Fee started cutting when she was in eighth grade. Mom hated her for that, but she never did anything for her other than put her in rehab, twice. Steve and Dad have been doing more for her than my mother has. She should never have gotten custody over Fee, but she had a stable home, which is what the courts wanted." Viola mumbled.

"Did you get the courts to give her to you?" I asked, watching Fee smile at her brother as they danced.

"Yes, which is what the party is also about. She's finally free of our bitch of a mother once and for all." Viola said with a smile. "She'll be living with our father until Nate and I move into our house on the other side of the country." I grinned like a fool. Fee was free. No more cutting. No more self harm. She'll be free of her demon once and for all. Ophelia spun over to me and I caught her with ease.

"You haven't danced with me yet, Abraham." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pecked her lips once and moved us out to the dance floor. Aswe danced, I moved her arms from my neck and kissed her scars.

"I promise that I will make these go away, Fee." I told her softly. "I will never let anyone hurt you again." She smiled and I saw the tears forming in her eyes.

"Bram, I want you." She stated, cupping my face in her soft hands and pulled me to her. She kissed me with all her worth and I kissed her back, with all of the love I could pour into that one kiss. With my arms locked around her waist, I pulled bak slightly and kissed her nose.

"Tonight." I promised her.

After opening her presents and eating cake, Viola announced the big news. To be honest, I've never seen Fee, Val or Mr. Bello happier than at that moment. Fee started to cry, again,  as she got up and hugged her sister with the force of a small bear.

"Thank you." I heard her say over and over again.

After that, everyone started to disipate back to their place of residence, inluding Fee and I. And I kept my promise to her. I will never sleep with another person again. Ophelia Bello is it for me. I kissed her forehead as her eyes flickered shut and grabbed my phone off of the side table. Thirteen missed calls from her. I cursed. When we get back home, I have to end this once and for all with her.






Hello lovelies!

Plot twist coming soon? Maybe.

I am so sorry I haven't updated this in such a long time. I've honestly had no inspiration to write this story, so I think that I will be ending this soon. In the future, when I get my inspiration for this back, I will make this better.

Lots of Love,


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