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Five Years Later

The one thing I loved about my bed was that I shared it with Bram. The one thing I hate about my bed is that I share it with Bram. Like right now, I was trying to sleep because I had a rough night, but he was trying to wake me up. Not a good idea.

“Fee, babe, wake up,” Bram whispered, shaking my shoulders. “You need to wake up.”

“No, I don’t. We don’t have an appointment, I don’t have class and I don’t have work. Let me sleep.” I begged, rolling onto my back. I tried looking at my feet, but there was this baby growing in my stomach that had about three months left in its cozy cocoon. “She didn’t let me sleep last night.” Bram smiled as he lay next to me.

“I still think you’re wrong.” He said, placing his hand over my stomach. “I think it’s going to be a boy.”

“Mother knows best.” I said, pecking his lips. “Why do I have to get up?”

“We are meeting the family at Val and Carol’s house for lunch. Then we can come home and we can snuggle in bed for the rest of the night.” Bram said. “I laid out some clothes for you. All you have to do is slip them on and throw your hair up.” Bram got out of bed and helped me up. I begrudgingly stripped out of my pajamas and threw on the clothes Bram laid out for me. I left our room and went into the living room/kitchen/dining room of our apartment. Our only other room was being converted for the baby.

So far, Viola and I were the only two reproducing. After Viola and Nathan got married four years ago, they had my niece, Aimee Ophelia Colt. In their second year of college, Carol and Valentine got married but no children yet. Bram and I were still boyfriend and girlfriend, but I wasn’t complaining. I had my masters in nursing, working towards my doctorate while Bram was doing the same for his doctorate in psychology. Life was very good right now.

After we ate breakfast and put on our winter coats and shoes, we ventured out for Carol’s house. I fell asleep a few times on the car ride over, but Bram always anticipates that. By the time we arrived, I was bundled in two blankets with a pillow behind my head. Bram was eager today. There was something that he wasn’t telling me about today.

“Come on, sleepyhead.” Bram said as he helped me out of the car. He smiled at me and his eyes twinkled. I got them to twinkle again after a month of being together. I never felt happier. “I can see everyone pressing their faces to the glass to see your belly.” That was true. No one but the kids were excited to see me anymore. They were obsessed about touching my belly.

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” I mumbled as I stood. “Can I have that blanket back? I’m freezing.” Bram chuckled as he wrapped the blanket around me.

“Five bucks that Carol is the first one out.” I said. Bram smiled and shook his head.

“You’re on, but it’s your dad this time.” He said as we ascended the stairs. True to my word, just as we reached the deck, Carol came barreling out with the rest of the family behind her. She quickly hugged Bram before bear hugging me.

“Fee, how’s my baby?” She asked as she put her hands on my stomach.

“I thought it was my baby?” I teased. Of course it’s my baby, but it will be spending a lot of time with her Aunty Carol. “She’s perfect.”

“It’s not a girl, babe.” Bram said as he wrapped his arms around me. “It’s definitely a boy.”

“I want my five bucks,” I whispered to him. He sighed and fished five dollars out on his front pocket. “Thank you.”

“Come on, let’s go back inside.” Viola said, ushering us inside. “Nikko will be here in a moment.” She told me. I took her arm as we entered the house. Viola and I have become extremely close since she came home. I love her to death. As she led me to the couch, I watched Bram go over to Val and Nathan. I’m glad they finally patched things up between them.

“Hey, there’s a game on. Let’s watch. I’ve got bet money coming in soon.” I said, waddling over to the living room. Viola totally disapproved of my gambling on sports. She said that mom’s weren’t supposed to set bad examples. I didn’t care. This kid settled down when it heard sports stats being announced on the T.V. She’ll be just like her momma. Nikko came bursting through the door as I turned on ESPN.

“Don’t start betting yet! I want to hear what the pregnant lady has to say first!” He exclaimed as he ran over to the couch. “Who is going to win? The Packers or The Patriots, Fee?”

“The Patriots,” I said as I rubbed my belly. “All cash goes on the table as the end of the game. Carol, write down who bets for whom, please.” Eventually, everyone placed their bets and found a seat in the living room. I laid on the couch with my head in Bram’s lap and my legs and feet in Val and Carol’s lap. I don’t know what possessed Bram, but he bet against me. He always bets the same team as me. He was totally up to something. By the end of the game, I earned over one hundred dollars that I would share with Carol, Nikko, Dad, and Viola. Stephen, Nathan, Val, and Bram owed us money.

“Cough up the cash.” Carol said, slapping the coffee table. The guys fished out their cash and placed it on the table, but Bram remained seated with his wallet still in his pants.

“Bram, you lost. You know the rules.” I said as I sat up. Bram stood and fished a box out of his pocket.

“Ophelia, babe, I am going to pay you differently today.” He said as he lowered himself onto one knee. “You and I got off to a very rocky start, but that doesn’t matter today. I love you, Fee and I love the life we’ve created. I think it’s high time we move to the next level of our relationship. Will you be my wife?” I smiled at Bram as he opened the box.

“Of course I will, you sneaky man.” I whispered. He slid the ring onto my finger before engulfing me in his warm arms. “I love you too.”





Hello lovelies!!!!

It's official, meeting Ophelia is completed. I will start chasing chastity soon and update the debt soon.

Lots of Love,

Meeting Ophelia (Now on Radish)Where stories live. Discover now