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Hello Lovelies,

I am leaving two messages here today. Please read them. These messages will elicit opinions, but this is my opinion on my platform, and I want it to do good.

In the recent weeks since Ahmaud's senseless death, in the recent days since George Floyd's murder, and in the recent HOURS David McAtee's untimely death, I had to break my silence. It's deplorable what my country is doing. I know many of you have social media or keep up with the news, whether you are from the US or Australia. From a historian's standpoint, I could weep at the senseless violence authorities are inflicting on this group of people. This hasn't stopped since the 1960s, the 1860's or even the 1760s. Police brutality is deplorable. Even though there are good cops, and trust me, I know many, There are more bad ones. Even if you're saying to yourself "But not all of them," it's not enough. Even if there are ten good cops to every one bad cop, if they aren't voicing their grievances, they aren't doing anything. And this brings me to the protests. Where I live, I am unaware of any great protests (I know there was one in Connecticut yesterday, and I applaud you for not letting it escalate). To my protesters, I am with you. I don't have the balls to protest, but I am with you. I am with you for planning the protest, whether it is peaceful or not. I am with you if you need advice on how to make sure you can protect yourself from the tear gas. I am with you. To my fellow African-Americans and others, I do not understand your plight. I've never been in your position, and I understand that. But please, understand that I am with you in whatever you need. I want to be your ally.

My second message, hopefully only slightly more light hearted, is to my LGBT+ community. I want to wish you happy pride. I know celebrations were cancelled, but celebrate in your history. Celebrate that Pride would never have happened without the Stonewall Riot. Celebrate Marsha P. Johnson, a Trans African-American woman, was the first to riot on that fateful night. Celebrate how far you've come and that you can be a model to others.

Please, to all my family here, please I beg of you stay safe. There has been too much violence. Please protest safely, and make history.

Lots of Love,DoctorWho

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