Chapter One...Accusations...

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 Nimue's Point of View:

Chapter One...Accusations...

“Merlin there you are!” exclaimed Prince Tor, son of the aging King Pellinore. “Why I have been searching for you everywhere Sir! Where have you been?”

“In my chambers my lord, mixing up a remedy for Lady Igraine.”

The young man’s expression clouded suddenly and he replied gravely, “Yes that is a fair excuse, the poor lady she suffers so.”

“Ever since Uther died she has barely left her room – you can hardly blame her, two husbands dead, two daughters betrayed her, four months since is not long, we should expect her to mourn for much time to come I am afraid.”

“And Arthur?” Tor did not only mean the kings grieving over his father but he would not mention Nimue in front of me for fear of causing similar pain to the kings aging advisor.

“Come now Tor let us not pretend, we are old friends are we not?” I replied, decidedly steering the conversation away from my own death. He nodded and I felt a familiar twinge of guilt at the falsehood I was feeding him at our every meeting. “Arthur never had a great love for his father, as we well know – though I believe he understood him more nearer the end than before. Arthur must concentrate on becoming king and ruling justly, the battle has left the kingdom frayed, damaged but not broken. It would take more than a pair of vain young witches to break Camelot.”

“Ay you are right, though I hope it is never tested.”

“So do I Sir Tor, so do I.” I sighed.

“Look at us standing here talking and wasting time!” he laughed suddenly, “I forgot all about Arthur’s message for you.”

“What is it?” I asked urgently.

“Nothing to be worried about Merlin, do not think every time the king sends for you it is because some great disaster has broken out!”

“What is it then?” I asked wearily.

“He asked me to tell you there is to be a meeting tomorrow morning, straight after breakfast. All the knights and advisers are to be present; apparently we are to receive a visitor.”

“Who?” I asked suspiciously.

Shrugging infuriatingly Tor replied, “I haven’t been told. See you later.” and with that he turned on his heel and walked away, I am sure I caught a glimmer of amusement lingering in his eyes.

Rolling my eyes at his receding figure I decided to go deliver my potion to Igraine before setting off to find Arthur. Or at least that was the plan. On entering Igriane’s chambers she sent all her ladies away stating calmly that she wanted to have a private discussion with Merlin, Lord Advisor to the Crown.

Once the women had taken their leave I bowed slightly, remaining across the room close to where I had entered, I would not approach her until bidden.

She waved her hand impatiently in a gesture which reminded me strikingly of her first daughter, and ordered me to take the seat opposite her beside the great fire that she kept burning fiercely despite the stiflingly heat of summer.

“I trust you know why I have called you here Merlin?”

“Called me milady? I have not been summoned but I bring you that remedy you asked for some days back, to help with your sleep ma’am. I would have brought it to you sooner only one or two of the ingredients were harder to acquire than I imagined.”

Her face twitched first with annoyance and then amusement, “Ah so it seems my useless maid has failed to send you my message and yet fate brings you to my door nonetheless.”

“So it would seem ma’am.” I replied mildly inclining my head in her direction but refusing to comment on fate.

“So as you did not know I had called for you can you now guess why?”

“No milady.” I replied completely at a loss.

“You are aware of course that we are to receive a visitor tomorrow?”

“I have only just heard of the news from Sir Tor ma’am.”

“Only just?” she raised one aging but still delicate eyebrow; clearly she believed I could see everything and anything at will, which truly has never been the case.

                “Yes ma’am the king sent a message with Sir Tor requiring my presence at the meeting.”

                “So you really have been locked up in your rooms creating remedies for this apparently useless old queen all day, the subject has been spoken off constantly since the news was delivered this very morning.”

                “Nobody see you as useless or old milady!” I exclaimed defensively as if she was accusing me of some great treason.

                She laughed, “No I suppose not Merlin, for you are older, much older than I and you still have your uses.” I shuddered there was something knowing, deliberate almost mocking in her tone. What did she know?

                “Was there something more you wanted to ask me milady?”

                “Not that I wanted to ask you.” Despite no longer being queen her voice held an unwavering authority. I stood to leave and began to make the appropriate farewell when she interrupted me with a laugh. “There is nothing more I want to ask you Merlin but something that I must tell you.” I hesitated my hand resting on the back of the chair I had been seated in I was unsure whether to take it again or remain standing.

Igraine seemed to enjoy my discomfort for she did not direct me in what to do. Instead she fixed me with a stern, distrusting glare and said, “I have heard the rumours old man do not think I will stand by and let them fly. I have put a stop to them, and if they still fly then tomorrow’s announcement will certainly throw them into doubt. As it is I am willing to overlook your…your behaviour. However, if you wish for this subject to be abandoned completely without threat of returning then I suggest you cease the inappropriate activities between yourself and my son. Am I understood?” I could not speak I just stared at her eyes wide, mouth open, she rolled her eyes in contempt and added, “it is not the first time such things have happened in a royal house and I doubt it will be the last.” I still could not muster a sound. After a moment she waved at me impatiently again, “go then man, go back to your potions and spells, protect the kingdom, but if I find you have been entering my sons bedchamber late at night without due political need then you may find yourself very soon out of favour. Am I understood?”

I nodded automatically and went from the room without even realising where I was going or what I was doing…

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