Chapter Three...A Showing...

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Tor and Nimue's Point of Views:

Chapter Three…A Showing...

Arthur paced the dais impatiently, those who were not close to him believed it to be an understandable show of nervous as the hour drew late and his future father-in-law had not yet arrived. I knew it to be otherwise. After his meeting with the queen Merlin had vanished in that silent way of his. I had watched him ride out from the upper window of my apartments, elderly but alone nevertheless. He had not yet returned through the gates yet it had been almost a whole day and I knew Arthur grew impatient.

                If anyone knew the obscurity of his heart it was I. I did not approve of his ways, but he was my friend and king nonetheless. I pitied him more than I would ever let on, it could not be easy, the pair of them loving each other as they did. I knew that since Nimue’s death Arthur had grown uncommonly attached to the old man. At first I did not know what the extent of their relationship was but overtime I had seen Merlin leave the Kings room enough times in the dark hours before dawn to suspect there was more going on than politics.

                ‘Sire,’ I spoke quietly in his ear, ‘Would you like me to send out a search for the Lord Merlin?’

                A look of relief lit his face momentarily, ‘would you Tor?’

                ‘Of course, he is your chief advisor and should be here in place of anyone else.’ I answered without a hint of my knowledge about the greater extent of their relationship.

                 ‘Thank you Sir Tor, he needs to be here when I welcome the ladies father.’

                Nodding without hesitation I bowed and hurried away, taking the door at the back of the hall to ensure a swifter search. I took several different corridors and then sprinted up a flight of stairs to the library, but Merlin could not be found there. Then it occurred to me that despite having been moved into castle rooms he may be back in his old chambers which he had practiced the art of alchemy within and had shared with my dear friend Nimue before her death in the recent battle. He barely went back there now, unless he was feeling in need of a quieter place to work, just being in those chambers reminded him of the young life dragged away from him before she had reached her prime.


Tor surprised me by abruptly entering the chambers I had once shared with Merlin and Arthur. ‘Tor!’ I exclaimed momentarily forgetting myself and addressing him informally.

                ‘My Lord Merlin Arthur bids that you be present when the engagement party arrive.’

                I rose stiffly, ‘very well Sir Tor lead me to him.’

                The following assembly was tedious and long and I felt a craving for muscles the entire interview which took place between Arthur and the ladies father. I knew the craving was a sure sign of what my concealed women’s body had already confirmed to me and resolved that it was time I delighted Arthur with the news. It would complicate matters undoubtedly but we were already living such a confusing and secretive life and one more thing was not going to change that.

‘You’re here!’ Arthur exclaimed with relief as he entered his chambers later that night and found me standing by the fire waiting for him. I was wearing the same green dress with wide sleeves and gold hemlines that I had been the first time we had laid together.

                Rushing across the room Arthur took me in his arms and kissed me passionately for a moment before drawing away, his face full of his apology. ‘Nimue,’ he breathed quietly, our faces barely an inch apart. ‘I am so sorry for the humiliation, having to listen to the man beat out the finer details of the contract of marriage between his daughter and myself. You know if I had a choice, any other choice, I would not take her.’

                I nodded stepping forward to nestle myself into his warm chest, ‘I know Arthur, I know, but I will never leave you…’ I paused before expressing my niggling fear. ‘Unless you no longer want me…if you decide you don’t want me I won’t be angry and I won’t leave Camelot I will stay on as my uncle and work for you just as I do now.’

                He drew fully away in shock and seized my shoulders, ‘Nimue!’ he exclaimed, ‘how could you believe that I of all people could no longer want you!’ I shrugged embarrassed. ‘I love you Nimue and I vowed to be yours forever, this marriage between the Lady Gwenivere is only of political need I remain heart, body and soul entirely yours.’

                Leaning upwards I kissed his mouth softly, ‘I am so pleased to hear that my love,’ I whispered, ‘for I have a gift for you.’

                He raised his eyebrows playfully, ‘what sort of a gift?’ he asked suggestively.

                I laughed, ‘not that sort of gift,’ I chastised him. ‘Stand over there,’ I commanded pointing him across the room. He did so intrigued. Turning to the fire I untied the fastenings of my gown and let it fall to the ground.

                Smiling coyly over my shoulder at him I turned again to face the room releasing my light undergarments as I did so, as they fell my whole body was revealed to him, glowing naked in the firelight.

                ‘I thought you said it wasn’t this sort of gift,’ Arthur repeated as his eyes devoured every piece of me before settling on my own.

                ‘It isn’t,’ I confirmed, beckoning him forward.

                Slowly he stepped across the room to me, taking his hand in mine I lay his palm flat on my slowly curving stomach. He gazed at our hands for a moment, utterly in awe before letting out a cry of delight and seizing me into a gentle but passionate embrace. 

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