Chapter Twenty-Two...Missing...

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Chapter Twenty-Two…Missing...

When I finally awoke fully conscious and aware of my surroundings I found Arthur asleep on a chair besides the fire. A role of parchment still clutched in his hand. Eleanor was still beside me, curled up on her side, awake and watching me.

                I snaked my hand out towards her and she took it, I squeezed it gently and she began to cry silently again. Drawing her into my arms I wrapped them around her shielding her from the horrors of the world. Her sobs increased as she lay there and I ran my hand soothingly over her tangled hair. We both needed baths, I wanted the blood of her mother and Augustus off of our skin and out  from under our finger nails.

                Arthur stirred and then rose quietly so not to disturb us. Lying beside me he enveloped both me and my precious companion into his embrace and the three of us remained there silent, except our tears, until morning. Troilus came to us as dawn rose and escorted Eleanor and I to the newly built bathhouse. We took the back passages so that nobody could see us and then he himself remained outside the door to guard us. Stripping off my robes I aided Eleanor with the clasp on the back of her dress and folded the garments in a corner. Submersing myself in the hot bath I encouraged Eleanor to join me, she stood on the edge shaking. I took her hand and she stepped cautiously down to join me. Using a cloth, soap and scrubbing brush I managed to remove all of the blood and grime from our skin and hair. Then we moved into the cold bath and once dried we rubbed sweet smelling oils all over ourselves before dressing in fresh clothes that Troilus had carried with him.

                The pair of us then retired for the rest of the morning until I was summoned to the Great Hall. Eleanor was told to stay in our chambers but she refused head strong and determined even then, she had cried all her tears and was ready to face the cruel realities of our world.

                The whole court had gathered there, the news had already gone round that full mourning had been declared though nobody really knew the reason nor the extent of the situation. I wanted to hold Eleanor’s hand to reassure her but it would look strangely maternal for an elderly man. Instead we simply entered together and strode up to the dais where we paid the king and queen the correct curtsies before joining them.

                ‘My lords and ladies, today is a grave day,’ Arthur began solemnly, ‘on their journey to our glorious city last afternoon my brother and his dear family were attacked. In the confrontation we have lost ten good men, knights of Camelot who fought bravely and without fear in the defensive of the royal family. These evil attackers murdered the Lady Nerys, niece of King Pellinore and Augustus, son of the gracious lady and my own brother Sir Cei of the Northmen. Their ward, Mordred of Terrin, was taken and has not yet been found. Of the company only Sir Cei, Lord Merlin and Lady Eleanor have survived.’ That’s when it hit me, Percy and Lucile had been in our company and Arthur had not yet spoken of their fate to me. Something in my stomach twisted violently, I felt sick with disgust that I had only just noticed their absence.

                Arthur continued unaware of my increased discomfort. ‘We are sending out men as I speak in search of my brother’s ward and his two missing companions.’ His words reverberated around my head as I held back my tears. 

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