Chapter Ten...The Interim...

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Nimue, Lady Drusilla and Nimue.

Chapter Ten…The Interim…

Lady Gwenivere was crowned queen a week after the wedding, the ceremony was more sombre than those which had been celebrated previously with everyone dressed in darker tones. Over the coming months Gwenivere was to prove her determination in revitalising the city and enchanting Arthur, but in this latter aspect at least, she would never succeed. Arthur was never anything less than attentive and courteous towards her in those early years but she could not earn his love. I was selfishly delighted with the kings’ refusal to fall head over heels for the delicate, kindly lady.

                He would lie as expected with his wife nightly before returning to his own rooms in the early hours where I would be waiting. We would lie there just rejoicing in one another’s honest and peaceful company. A month after his union I spoke to him of the plan I had been forming since the night I had spoken of the rumours with Sir Ector.

                ‘Arthur,’ I began quietly as we lay side by side, ‘I have been thinking about who should aid me through my coming pregnancy.’

                ‘Who my love?’ he murmured in replied.

                ‘Sir Ector and the Lady Drusilla.’ I stated with conviction.

                Propping himself up onto his elbow and wide smile spread across his face. ‘I could not agree more!’ he exclaimed. ‘I have longed to let my dear mother and father into our secret and I admit that this had crossed my mind already. When shall we tell them?’ he asked eagerly.

                ‘As soon as we are able,’ I answered, ‘our child will be here within the next two months and there are many plans to be made and problems to be solved.’

                He nodded, ‘yes my dear you are right, shall we call them here come the early morning? I have little planned for the day and I am sure it will take a good deal of explaining.’

                ‘How should we do it?’ I questioned, a variety of ideas forming in my mind.

                ‘Let them come to these chambers and I shall have them seated and tell them that there is much to be said. Then if you come forward, dressed in you green gown or whichever you choice they will see you as yourself and the truth will be confirmed.’

                I agreed and within hours we were carrying out our plan.


I was surprised when my foster son summoned his father and I to his chambers so early that historic morning. We had been enjoying a pleasant breakfast when the messenger came and once our meal was concluded we went to him dutifully. Arthur himself welcomed us and he dismissed all servants and guards, locking the door tight behind us after glancing up and down the corridor to ensure that no one remained.

                ‘Son why so secretive in your looks?’ Ector laughed uneasily.

                ‘Father, mother,’ he began gravely, ‘please sit I have much to speak to you of.’ We did as bidden both feeling concerned.

                ‘Arthur,’ I begged as he sat opposite the pair of us. ‘Is there something the matter?’

                His expression softened and he took my hand for a moment, ‘no mother, quite the opposite. I have news of the most joyous kind.’

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