Chapter Sixteen...Visitation...

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Chapter Sixteen…Visitation...

Even after just a few days my impatience to see my son was already unbearable. Sir Cei and Lady Nerys were insistent that we all sat and took a meal with them the moment we arrived. Lady Nerys, I was pleased to see, was clearly having a positive influence on her husband. She was a gentle, welcoming sort who had no fear of dining with those not of her blood, in that way she was the complete opposite of Cei. He had surprised me. He was undeniably besotted with his generous, witty and pretty wife.

                The five of us dinned together in relative simplicity. The food was of good quality but nothing grand or ostentatious. After the general polite enquires about our journey Lady Nerys began to ask the newcomers about their connections to the royal household.

                She started with Lucile. ‘Now my dear, as you are to be nurse to my children I wish you to tell me something about yourself.’ Lady Nerys said kindly. ‘We shall become firm friends of that I am sure so pray explain the positions you have held in the kings household if you will.’ She sounded genuinely interested and I felt my approval of her growing again.

                ‘Well my lady,’ Lucile began overtly polite in her manner and tone. ‘I was at first a kitchen maid, when I was very young and first taken into employment. Before long I began to attend the lesser ladies of court should they have need of someone extra, I would also help those fine ladies of the lords visiting for various royal occasions. When King Arthur was recognised as heir he brought with him the first Lady Gwenivere, who everyone now knows was the Lady Nimue in disguise.’ Nerys nodded along, listening intently, interest awake in her bashful grey eyes. ‘Nimue and I had been firm friends since she had first arrived in the city and so with her elevation King Uther, may he rest in peace, thought it best that she had a comforting face to greet her each morning and prepare her for the daily life of court. So I became her ladies maid, but alas,’ Lucile expression realistically changed to one of a grieving sister, ‘she was to pass far too suddenly.’

                ‘May she rest in peace also, bless her mortal soul for I have heard nothing but goodness and courage of this young woman. How I wished I could have met her.’ Lady Nerys said consolingly. She smiled sympathetically at Arthur who inclined his head and took a draft of wine. Her gaze then turned on me but her sympathetic look had softened slightly and I could have sworn I had witnessed a flash of knowing in her eyes. Fear gripped me but I pushed it aside, forcing myself to believe I was imagining things due to stress.

                ‘Thank you my lady,’ Lucile continued. ‘She was a goodly woman, a sister to me in many aspects – not a day elapses where I do not think sadly of her loss.’ Percy nodded soberly in agreement. ‘I was taken into the King’s Mother’s service for a time but when Lady Gwenivere came to marry his royal highness King Arthur I was transferred to her company of serving women.’

                ‘Will you not miss the queen?’ Nerys enquired lightly.

                ‘She is a kind woman,’ Lucile stated firmly, ‘but I prefer children and I find since the battle the corridors of Camelot hold sad stories for me at every turn. Besides the king requires my services here and I say forever obey the words of our lord and sovereign.’

                Lady Nerys smiled and after a moment leant forward and grasped Lucile’s hand firmly. ‘I am very glad that he sees it fit to send you to us my dear, I feel like you and I shall work very well for those two darling children.’ Something in here voice and expression reminded me of Lady Drusilla and it made me laugh to think of Sir Cei potentially marrying a younger version of his own mother.


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