Chapter Eight...Introductions...

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Gwenivere and Nimue

Chapter Eight

The double doors opened in front of me and the herald stepped forward to announce me to Camelot’s court for the very first time. My heart was pounding, beads of perspiration forming on my brow. I did not register his words but stood forward on his cue, accompanied by my mother and Bethany, my mother’s dearest friend and lady in waiting. Applause resounded about the great hall as I made my way in a haze towards the dais. I found myself curtsying before the king and politely thanking him for his generosity and hospitality. The words and actions came automatically, I felt completely overwhelmed by the grandeur and the ceremony of it all.

'You are most welcome my Lady Gwenivere,’ the king replied, 'rise please so that I may fully appreciate my queen.'

I did as bidden and only then did I begin to pay attention to the intricate details around me before fixing my gaze upon Arthur Pendragon.

'I trust your journey was a pleasant one my lady, I am pleased beyond words to be able to see you here, within our own walls. It has been a long wait but a worthwhile one, I was told of your beauty Lady Gwenivere, but the reality exceeds all description.'

His youth and looks stunned me, he held himself like a king and yet, despite his indisputable air of authority there was something gentle and kindly about him. His expression seemed to be one of genuine warmth but within his eyes grief still danced demonically. I decided then that it would be I who would banish his grief, I would please him in every way possible for a wife, and I would love him, give him sons and be a friend in times of need. My fears and apprehensions were eaten up in that moment; I forgot my old lover and dedicated myself to Camelot and to the preservation of its king.


I watched, attempting to hold back my jealously as Arthur welcomed Gwenivere. He acted every bit a king and she was clearly impressed and ready to take on her role as his wife. She was about my age but constant attention to her health, education and to the improvement of her beauty had clearly helped her in becoming far more beautiful and naturally enchanting than I could have ever hoped for. I had been so assured of Arthur's loyalty prior to the ladies arrival and yet once faced with her idealistic looks and manner I felt all at once destabilised and dizzy.

'I wish to introduce you to all of Camelot’s court,' Arthur stated, stepping down from the dais and offering her his arm, she took it willingly and those in the hall formed a straight line, in order of rank and awaited in turn.

First Lady Igraine, Lady Drusilla, Sir Ector and Sir Cei were introduced to the glowing princess as her future husband’s immediate family. They greeted her with kindly tones of welcoming pleasantries before the pair reached me.

'Lady Gwenivere, this is the esteemed Lord Merlin Ambrosias, he is my chief political, military and household advisor. Lord Merlin has dedicated himself to the royal family and to the preservation of Camelot since my father's early rule and is the most wise and loyal official you could ever hope to acquaint yourself with.' Arthur introduced me proudly.

The lady dropped into a low curtsey causing it to appear that she was more in awe of my presence than that of the kings’ family.

'My lord Merlin, I have heard tales of your greatness, news of your feats in the recent battle against evil have spread far and wide. You are indeed renowned for the unwavering love you bare Camelot, it is a pleasure Sir to meet you and I hope that we shall come to know one another better.'

I bowed, took her hand and kissed it as was expected.  'My Lady you are gracious beyond compare, Camelot is indeed blessed by your coming. I too hope that we may work together in the future for the good and preservation of Camelot.'

She smiled in way of a reply, a genuine smile filled with fresh hope, gratitude and optimism. Lady Gwenivere would make a queen as I never could, I thought sadly as the royal couple made their way to Sir Lamorak and his brother beside me.


After all the introductions a great feast was served and we were entertained by jugglers, acrobats, mimes and bards, all accompanied by musicians for the duration of the celebrations. It was an impressive sight, an engagement party the likes of which Camelot had not seen for many years. It caused the day of my own announcement to seem hundreds of years ago, dull and edged with fear at the coming battle. There was one other glaringly upsetting difference,  Uther, Ector and my uncle were not sat upon the dais drinking and laughing merrily, it hurt my heart that I would never see two of them again. Ector was there of course and enjoying his wine as always but he seemed saddened and to be taking little pleasure from the events.

'Sir Ector, you appear troubled, share your woes with an old friend?' I asked pleasantly as I sat down beside him in a chair left vacant by the Lady Drusilla who had retired early complaining of a head ache.

'Merlin I grieve as you grieve,' he replied quietly, ‘though you do a better job at hiding it and you are far more tolerant.' Pausing Sir Ector took another large gulp of his wine. 'You endure the disgraceful, untrue rumours which abound remarkably well and you continue with your tasks day in day out as if you suffered no great loss.' He finished his goblet. 'I know, unlike those who seek to discredit you, that there is nothing untoward going on between my youngest son and yourself. He grieves still for the true love of his life and you comfort him with words of wisdom and sleeping drafts to ensure him times of peaceful rest.' Ector’s trust in me and his defiance in the face of court gossip warmed my heart.  

'It pleases me to hear so sir, it is good to know one still has friends within the royal circle. Uther hoped my image at his sons side would serve the new king well but there seems to be many men - and women, bent against me who were not so in the past.'

'Then they are fools my friend,' Ector replied beginning to sound intoxicated. 'Do they not know you have forever abstained from lustful activities and that your own dearest niece was Arthur's one true love and lawful wife? Those who accuse you of such are digging for their own profit, there is nothing which would remove you from Arthur's side and so they will all be greatly disappointed.'

'Your words warm me Ector for these months have been more trying than even you know...' I thanked him cryptically.

'How so Merlin? Speak now to me of your woes, if you will.'

'Perhaps later friend,' I replied carefully, ‘now is not the time…'

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