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Pidge, Hunk and Matt were flying from the ship that hung in the sky.
They were making their way to the red star system, and found success initially.
"Oooookayyyyy I think we have gotten out of this..."
Hunk began as he watched the empty sky.
Before any more words could be uttered from any of the three, a large ship that penetrated the electric blue sky like a storm cloud appeared; in hot pursuit of the lions and their pilots.

"I think I spoke a little to soon, sorry you guys!-"
"Doesn't matter just fly!" Pidge retorted as her lion rolled in front of his and dipped down.
"Hunk, what's going after us?" Matt asked from where he was in the back.
Hunk turned to answer and noticed he had managed to securely tie himself to the side of the lion with a small cable-and Hunk said to him.
"Galra- hold on or you'll go flying across here and that'll hurt."
He nodded and fiercely grasped his cable.

"Get your bayard ready, I'm going to try to shoot it."
This was Hunks aye to move- no one stands between Pidge shooting her vine-cannon and an enemy ship.
At least normally- today Hunk heard the green paladin let out an exasperated sigh.

"That god damned panel thing they attacked to the ship screwed with my cannon! I'll need to help green fix it, but you'll need to take care of this right now!"

Hunk complied and shoved his bayard into the compartment by in his lion.
A massive yellow cannon formed on the yellow lions back and began unloading artillery onto the Galra ship.
It was a bit far away so it would take a second to get to it when he heard
"This is just a little observation, but I don't seem to see any smaller ships." Matt added as he peered out the window feel m where Hunk was.
Hunk turned to the com and aw Pidge already facing him with puzzled and concerned eyes.

The ship behind them stopped and began making a clanking noise.
The firepower had missed it-except for the right flank which caused it to stop.
Pidge saw this as their window and yelled through the com to Hunk, "go Hunk now it's our chance!"
Then he saw the green lion launch into the air, streaking towards the atmosphere.
The yellow lion tried to keep pace, but still lacked behind due to its massive bulk.
"What was wrong with the ship back there?" Pidge asked.
"My screen has been damaged and I can't really fix it right now!"
Pidge could always find the time for repairs so Hunk knew this was especially serious.
"I don't know I can't see-old yellow here doesn't have the greatest turn ratio!" Hunk replied as he attempted
to turn the lions' massive head around while still remaining in course.
Hunk pressed his mapping system was all screwed too- he reported to Pidge and the feeling of flying blind was weeping into his demeanor.
It was heard on his voice, too- and it gave Matt an idea.
Hunk heard the sound of a cable being pulled and clasped before he could look behind him.
"Hunk tilt yellows head down a bit! I can help..."
Finally, the yellow paladin glances back behind him and saw Matt holding two small tools and also saw his excited eyes and smile on his face.
"You need an extra tech expert??" Matt said in an exhibit at voice.
He was propped on the wall so he wouldn't have to stand on his bad leg.
Hunk gave him a puzzled look and Matt caught on to this.
"Just tilt yellows head down a bit- then back up it won't disrupt her upward motion!"
Hunk thought of the worst case scenario- and wasn't sure if he wanted to see what Matt was up to.
"Matt what are you even trying this isn't the best time-"
"Trust me!"
Matt's eyes were wide and he was clearly anxious.
I can help. He seemed to say.
Hunk knew there was nothing he could do to stop him then.
Hunk went with it and tilted the lion's head down ever so slightly.
Matt slid down the cockpit and he grabbed onto the pilots chair.
"Ok, so you wanted a change of scenery- can I tilt her head up now?" Hunk asked as he was distressed about flying blind.
With the quick hitch of a cable onto the chair he heard
"Yeah now you can!"
Hunk moved yellows eyes back to the sky as far as possible.
Matt was now leaning on the floor which was now more like a wall due to the angle of the cockpit.
He was almost standing on the underpart of the pilot chair as he moved himself up towards the underpart of yellows dashboard.
He began working on something and his work sent a screw, then a whole metal panel flying towards Hunk.
He dodged it in time and caught it, leading to Matt to pipe out a small
Hunk looked at what he held and looked them to Matt.
"Ohhh your fixing the communicator!" Hunk said in an excited tone.
Matt nodded and replied "give me two minuets..."

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