<I am still h e r e>

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W o w
I've been gone a long time
Right after I said that I would be back now with regular updates
O o f
That seems to happen every time I say that? I gotta stop that
Anywaysssss so a lot has happened since that last message obviously and I was going to get this update out way back in June but I'm a clown and didn't do it
But What I'm trying to say is I've gotten a bit busy with stuff outside my lil story so im really going to try to write more for it just please be patient with my little heart
And I can't thank you enough for reading this silly story of mine it means a lot
I've improved greatly since my last few chapters and so I hope in the future that shows
Y e E yE E y'all hope you've been living good since then
(Also my art has improved a lot so I can draw more stuff for the chapters w h a a a t)

And wow I can't believe I never left my thoughts in season 8??
So well, I thought it was alright
I wish it had more development for certain things
(I really want to like Allurance it looks so cute but it was so one sided for the whOLE SHOW)
And Shiro was barely in it (if you look into what happened behind the scenes it explains a lot- it's not the show runners fault really what happened the poor show was kind of running well then taken off its path)
But it's still a fantastic show in my opinion so it'll always have a special place in my heart
Ok Thas all

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