Chapter 38-39

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Chapter 38

Day’s perspective

I blink a few times, trying to adjust to my surroundings.

 “June,” I want to whisper, but I end up just mouthing it.

“I’m fine, Day,” I see June out of my peripheral vision. Just then, the ceiling comes down and the floor gives away, June falling and falling…

I wake with a start, and it sends pain throughout my body.

“Mr Wing,” A doctor says. I crane my neck and see June on the adjacent bed, conscious, and discussing with a few captains, including Nikolai. I catch her eye.

“Day, if you’re fit enough, do listen in,” She says. “LA City Patrol 8 will attack them when they are off-guard. Two can play this game, Soldiers from Patrol 10 and 19 have information that they’re arriving in trains from their base. We’ll catch the trains and follow them to base, and take them down from the roots of the attack. Nick Franwell has told us the base controls everything—planes, spy cameras, new technology weapons etcetera.”

“Patrol8 is not enough,” Comments a captain.

“Okay. 2 other patrols shall follow. But we need the best—10 and 19 themselves.”

Another captain enters. “Get ready and gear up at Weapons. 3 hours.”

June scans the crowd of soldiers, including me.

“We have to be prepared for anything.”

Chapter 39

June’s perspective

I get dressed in gear pretty easily. The group has done a makeover for us, especially Day, Nikolai, Nick and I, since they know us, so that we’re unrecognisable. It’s expected that the Combatants attack us today. This time, Patrol 8’s code name is Alpha.

“Alpha, gather here.” I organize a roll call. “Today we fight for the Republic, and the Republic only. Today we surrender our hearts and only have a goal in mind, and for every second we prolong our mission, a Republic citizen loses their life. We can’t afford to make any mistakes, and we have a huge responsibility. Take care of yourselves, and take care of each other. Long live the Republic.”

One after another, the soldiers repeat my words. “Long live the Republic.”

That’s when the war siren goes off.

“Follow me!” I yell as I move to the alley. We move in this sequence—me in the front, followed by Nick, Day, Jenny, Jacob, Charles, Joo Kim and Nikolai bringing up the rear. A group of soldiers pass by the alley, assembling. With silent steps, I move behind them.

“They’re walking in fours. That’s not what we do, those are Combatants,” I mutter, stopping to hide, watching the Combatants as they round the corner. Suddenly, they split up, four people each.

“Who do we follow?” Asks Jacob.

“Nick, Day, Jenny, come with me. Nikolai, take the rest.” I reply, following the first group of Combatants. That group meets up with some other Combatants and I turn, seeking cover behind dumpsters.

“Craig 2, you are required as Base for Meeting 208.” Says the newly-joined group. They turn and we follow the newly-joined group, quickly shooting them from behind, using our silencer guns that silence the sounds of gunshots.

“Grab the gear,” I command, seizing the opportunity while the group we’re following--what we call Target--communicates with the other Combatants. We slide our weapons over the new gear, taking the outer ones and putting in on over our own, fastening ID cards. I got a girl ID, but Jenny’s one wasn’t of the same gender.

“If Jenny’s being communicated with, Nick, you reply. It should be a male voice. Walk in fours, always.” I remind, gliding back to our cover and peeking out, making up for lost time and catching up with Target.

“This is Alpha 2. Alpha 1, come in, over,” My earpiece buzzes just a little and Nikolai’s voice fills my ear.

“This is Alpha 1. Target moving to Base, towards train station point A, over,” I reply. The day they burned my house was the day they seized the train station outside the Republic, near a poorer sector, with access to Antarctica.

“Target moving to named ‘Weapons Lab’, over,”

“Get there are take whatever weapons or hinder action, over, out,” I reply, moving forward. We get to Point A and a Combatant steps in front of us.

“Group?” He asks, and I recall what I saw in my ID Card.

“Artillery, Allegiance 9. Command is to head to Base.”

He checks his list. “Not informed. State your business, soldier.”

“Replacement at Meeting 208.”

The man grunts. “I just let a team head to 208. Fine, take Train A3.”

“Thank you sir.” I salute and head to the platform, my soldiers following behind. We spot a sign and board Train A3, a train filled with weapons. We settle in one of the back cabins, and it’s empty.

“We should get rid of the weapons…” Jenny starts.

“No. The last thing we need is to attract attention.”

We settle in the train, and I begin to count off the seconds in my head, until the numbers get too large and I move next to Day. It’s quite a long ride, but I start to suspect they’re taking us back to where we came from, judging by the scenery. A while after I bear this thought, the train slows down and we’re almost there.

“What is it?” I ask standing up to see for myself and I can tell why he’s so shocked. My suspicions are confirmed, but bringing us to this place was certainly not what I expected.

The train has brought us to Metias’ grave.

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