8; Taylor, concert and Maxxie.

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It's been 1 week since Taylor said she wouldn't talk to me for a while. I've been with Demi for 2 days this week, first we went to The Fault In Our Stars together and the second time we lunched together. I texted Taylor multiply times but she didn't reply... I feel really quilty to be honest cause I feel like I've hurt Taylor and that's the last thing I ever want to do. She is my best friend and I can't live without her, I already knew that but since last week I am sure. I still can't believe she called Demi 'just another celbrity', why would she do that? I am so done with this, she's ignoring me for a week now and she's not ready my texts. I'm gonna write her a letter with my thoughts. I stand up and get some paper.

"Hey sweetie T, I write you because you don't answer my calls or texts. I don't get why you are mad off me, I know I should've tell you but I think you would do the same and I told you that evening right? Demi isn't 'just a celbrity' she is a really nice person and she just want to know me better. You're my best friend, my left hand and my sister. I've been there so many times for you and you've been there sooo many times for me. When I was having my bad time period you told me everything was going to be okay, you came everyday when I was in treatment. Now, when our fucking idol wants to know me better, you get mad off me? Taylor, I want to be there for you okay, I know you're having a hard time. I am really proud of you for being at your own home already, the concert was amazing with you and I didn't want to do that with anyone else. If you need someone to cry with, I am here for you. You have the key you can come in whenever you want to. Remember when we wrote eachother letters almost everyday? We just put them in eachothers bags, I'm not going to put this one in your bag, haha. Our meet and greet picture is in this thing too and also another picture of us from 7 years ago. I love you so much okay and I am sorry if you feel let down but I'll never let you down. Lots of love, hugges and kisses."

I set a lipstick kiss on the letter and put it in an envelope. Just like we did in primary school. I drive to her house and walk upto her frontdoor. I knock it. She opens the door but when she see me she wants to close it, 'wait, take this please' I give her the envelope and leave. I am crying again, shit. I am still in my car when Demi facetimes me. I open it and dry my tears a little. 'Hey babe! How are y- are you crying?' 'Yeah, but it's nothing I just drove to Taylor's house' 'Are you still driving?!' 'No no I am in my garage, I'm just still in my car.' I giggle. 'Ohhh! What did Taylor say?' 'Nothing, I gave her a letter and left' 'Oh okay...' 'Why did you call?' 'Erm' she thinks, 'Oh yeah! I wanted to ask if you would like it to be at my next concert tomorrow?' I nod, 'I'd love too! Can I ask Taylor too?' 'Ofcourse! I'll reserve 2 seats!' 'Cool thanks' 'I'm still so happy I gave you my number and I am surprised by how calm you are everytime you see me' 'Yeah, you asked me if I could see you as "just Demi" so I am doing that' I laugh. 'Mmmhh, smart' she winks. 'But I gotta go, I have to cook today and my mom is home in 20 minutes, woops' 'It's okay, bye bye' she kisses the cam and I smile at her. I sigh and get out of the car, I go inside and I start cooking. 'Hey love, mmhh that smells good!' 'Thanks mom it's almost done' She sits down at the table and I give her her plate, 'There you go' 'Thanks'

Okay, Demi's concert tomorrow should I call Taylor? She's not gonna take it anyway but I call her. 'What do you want?' I'm surprised that she took it. 'Erm would you like it to go to Demi's concert tomorrow?' 'Oh my god yeah!' she sounds happy. 'Okay cool, I'll pick you up at 8' 'Okay' 'But Taylor, have yo-' 'Yes I've read your letter. I'm sorry Liza, I didn't mean it that way I'm just jealous. It won't happen again. I love you' 'I love you too babe. See you tomorrow' I sigh, I am happy she apologised for what she did. I open my laptop and go to Demi's website, she has 4 more shows coming up and then her tour is over, maybe I can hang out with her more. I smile and turn on some music. I still have to work on my project thingy, shit that's probaly gonna take 3 hours. I sigh, put on a playlist and start working.

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